Created by Richard Gadd, ‘Baby Reindeer’ introduces us to Donny Dunn, a struggling comic who works part-time at a bar. When a particularly vulnerable customer enters the establishment during his shift, he extends a compassionate gesture to cheer her up. The woman, Martha, becomes fixated on Donny and begins stalking him and continuously sending him emails. She carries on the practice for months, approaching Donny whenever possible and turning up at his comedy shows. Her disconcerting behavior has an adverse effect on Donny’s work, mental state, and relationships. To make matters worse, Martha is highly unstable and often has public outbursts whenever he spurns her.
Not taken seriously by the police and facing a crisis in his personal life, Donny contemplates desperate measures to rid himself of the stalking menace. The Netflix drama is based on Gadd’s autobiographical play of the same name and takes us through the streets of the UK, following Donny’s increasingly chaotic daily life.
Baby Reindeer Filming Locations
‘Baby Reindeer’ is filmed in London, England, and Edinburgh, Scotland. Principal photography for the series began in August 2022 and was completed for the first season by February 4, 2023. Having worked on the show for seven months together, the cast and crew shared positive and thankful messages on social media after the first season was wrapped up. “What a job! What an absolutely fabulous crew and absolutely gorgeous cast,” wrote crewmember Fiona in the caption of a post she shared on social media.
Edinburgh, Scotland
The dynamic urban landscape of Edinburgh becomes the primary filming location of ‘Baby Reindeer,’ with the first season’s shooting beginning within its locales in August 2022. The Scottish creator, Richard Gadd, has a positive history with the capital city, as many of his performances have risen to critical acclaim at the events hosted here. He performed the theatre version of ‘Baby Reindeer’ at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2019, which became one of the most popular events at the festival.
Just as shooting was set to begin in the city, the production team came across an unexpected problem. The city center was overflowing with garbage due to a 12-day worker strike protesting an insufficient wage increase. The team was set to shoot in the central Grassmarket area but found an unexpected backdrop when they arrived.
Situated in the heart of Edinburgh’s old town, Grassmarket is considered a paradise for merchants. It serves as a picturesque filming location, with views of Edinburgh Castle overlooking it while being surrounded by antiquated structures. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the bustling marketplace can trace its lineage back to medieval times as a hub of commerce, and came to be known as Little Italy due to the influx of Italian migrants in the 1880s.
Edinburgh has emerged as a popular destination for film and television production, attracting filmmakers from around the world with its stunning surrounding natural beauty, well-preserved historical sites, and versatile cityscape. From small-scale independent films to big-budget blockbusters, Edinburgh offers filmmakers a wealth of opportunities to bring their creative visions to life amidst the city’s timeless charm and cinematic allure. Some prominent productions shot here include ‘T2 Trainspotting,’ ‘Good Omens,’ ‘Tetris,’ and ‘Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga.’
London, England
The emblematic capital city of England becomes a shooting site for ‘Baby Reindeer’, and parts of it can be seen throughout the show’s episodes. In particular, the cast and crew were spotted in Clapham Town in late January and early February as they wrapped up shooting for the first season. The team shot scenes along Venn Street. The narrow street is lined with eating joints housed in sober brick buildings and extends into a tightly packed residential area, reflecting the characteristic grit of London.
Largely situated within the London Borough of Lambeth, the area boasts a mix of Victorian and Georgian architecture, with tree-lined streets and charming residential squares. Clapham Town is home to a vibrant cultural scene with a variety of theaters, art galleries, and live music venues. The Clapham Grand, a historic Victorian theater, hosts concerts, comedy shows, and club nights, while the Omnibus Theatre showcases innovative performances and community events. Such local venues likely make their way into the show’s depiction of Donny’s performances in clubs and theatres.
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