‘Focus’ is a 2015 romance caper film that takes viewers on exhilarating adventures as the central storyline pulls off one swindle after the other. It revolves around two con artists, Nicky Spurgeon, a regular legend in the world of grifting, and his promising protege, Jess Barrett.
Despite their easy chemistry and budding romance, the two soon part ways on Nicky’s terms. Three years later, their paths coincidentally collide in Buenos Aires, where Nicky is partnering with Rafael Garriga, a motorsport team owner, for his next scam. Consequently, as the pair of exes run their own games, they find themselves distracted by each other’s presence—which can only lead to trouble in their line of work.
Barring Jess and Nicky’s will-they-won’t-they romance, the film’s central focus remains upon the latter’s latest scheme, wherein he’s trying to rob his employer, Garriga, of his highly sought-after algorithm software, EXR. Therefore, as the narrative circles around the forlorn lovebirds, Nicky’s heist continues in the background, inviting intrigue about its mechanics. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Jess and Nicky’s Unexpected Reunion in Buenos Aires
In his family, Nicky is the third generation con artist, after his father, who—as the story goes—once shot his grandfather for a scam. Naturally, the man is gifted in his craft and has perfected his sleight of hand. As a result, when Jess, an amateur scammer, tries to con him, he easily spots her scheme. Still, something about her catches his eye, compelling him to teach her a trick or two. Once Jess seeks him out afterward, she inevitably becomes a part of his team of scammers and pickpocketers. Simultaneously, romance also sparks between the two as they become partners in more than one sense. However, it all comes crashing down for Jess after Nicky unceremoniously breaks up with her on the heels of a huge con.
For the same reason, both con artists are in for a surprise when they meet again in Buenos Aires at Rafael Garriga’s party. Nicky is newly in business with Garriga, helping the latter swindle his motorsport team’s competitor, McEwen. Garriga owns a revolutionary software, EXR, that vastly improves the performance of his racers. He wants Nicky to dupe McEwen into buying a fake version of this algorithm. As for his connection to Jess, Garriga has been dating her for the past few months. However, according to her, the businessman has no idea about her less-than-legal past.
Naturally, this shift in dynamic causes Nicky to stumble off his game on a few occasions. This hands more ammunition to Garriga’s disgruntled security head, Owens. Even so, he balances his heisting efforts and attempts to win Jess back by convincing her that he has changed. Although Jess remains reluctant to trust Nicky again, she inevitably ends up falling back into his orbit, seeking comfort after a bad day. Thus, as the two hook up again after years, Nicky convinces the woman to run away with him in the aftermath of his con.
Nicky Swindles Garriga
While it seems like Nicky arrives in Buenos Aires to work with Rafael Garriga, the grifter actually has a different plan in mind. Garriga is willing to pay millions to foil his nemesis. Yet, Nicky is never one to settle where he can score for more. Therefore, he comes up with a plan to steal the real EXR and sell the real thing to McEwen, as well as numerous other motorsport team owners. By doing so, Nicky is squeezing out the most value for the tech at once to the point where it’s rendered useless to all buyers. After all, if everyone has the tech that improves their racers, does its effect even matter?
For the same reason, Nicky runs away immediately after the end of his operation with Jess by his side. Nonetheless, Garriga won’t let double-crossers slip away so easily. Thus, his muscle man brings both Nicky and Jess back for a final confrontation. Tied to a chair, with Jess’ safety at risk, Nicky has no choice but to reveal the truth. Despite their dealing, Garriga never actually shares the real EXR software with Nicky. Although the latter was always planning on stealing it through hacking, the system was too powerful for a simple hack.
Therefore, Nicky claims he had to use Jess to carry off the mission. In order to steal EXR, one needed access to Garriga’s server through his password. As such, Nicky needed a way to slip a wireless keylogger into the businessman’s hotel room to get access to his password. Consequently, he intentionally grew closer to Jess and manipulated her with a necklace—the same one that she liked when they were first going on but couldn’t have. The necklace supposedly had the keylogger installed in it. Thus, Nicky maintains that he used Jess to steal the EXR. However, he gets caught in his lie once Garigga reveals that he and Jess aren’t together.
Nicky Isn’t the Only One Conning Garriga
Nicky’s tall tale about manipulating Jess to get his hands on Garriga’s servers is excellent for a lie that is made up on the spot. Yet, it falls short because of one crucial detail: Jess had never actually been in Garigga’s hotel room. As it turns out, Jess has been vying to con the businessman all along. She hasn’t gone straight and is still a hustler who makes money by stealing watches. Garriga happens to own one of the most expensive ones. Jess knows she can’t trust Nikcy, who always has an ace up his sleeve. For the same reason, she lies to him.
As these revelations are arriving, Garriga’s right-hand man, Owens, gets impatient and shoots Nicky in the chest. As a result, Garriga bolts away from the scene, unwilling to be an accessory to any crime. However, in his departure, the real truth emerges. Owens has actually been working with Nicky the whole time. Thus, when he shoots him, it’s with a precise accuracy that avoids any significant damage. His secret partnership with the conman also means that he was the one who snuck a keylogger into the businessman’s room to steal his password. Once Owens revives him and the trio escape from the scene, the man’s real identity reveals itself.
Owens is actually Bucky—Nicky’s father. As such, when he shoots his son, it’s mostly a repetition of the stunt he pulled with his father during another heist. After abandoning him during a dangerous poker game in Boston, Bucky hasn’t spoken to Nicky in years. However, his son sought him out once he learned he was working for Garriga to pull off this heist. Nonetheless, Bucky hasn’t changed his ways since realizing that he can’t afford to love someone—not even his son—while he’s a part of this game. Consequently, in the end, after he drives Nicky and Jess to the hospital, Bucky makes off with all the money and gets the last laugh.
Read More: Best Con Movies and Shows on Netflix
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