In the first episode of ABC’s crime-drama series ‘High Potential,’ Morgan Gillory investigates the murder of Anthony Acosta and the disappearance of his wife, Lynette Acosta. During the investigation, she comes across several things that are connected to the people involved in the case. Two of these prominent elements are a luxury watch by the brand Greyford and bracelets made by a fine jewelry label called Galdorian. Morgan examines the mystery behind these two products, connecting them to their respective brands. While they seem highly appealing and attractive, viewers of the episode won’t be able to buy them in real life!
Greyford Resembles Several Real Watch Brands
Greyford is a fictional watch brand created by Drew Goddard for the first episode of ‘High Potential.’ The label was created to construct the backstory of Brian Dimon, the antagonist of the series premiere. In the episode, Dimon has an alibi on the supposed day Anthony Acosta was killed. He establishes the same by telling the police officers that he was in Fontana, California, at the time of the murder. Morgan invalidates the alibi by claiming that someone who cherishes an opulent lifestyle has no reason to be in Fontana, which, in her eyes, is not a place for the rich. She learns about his lifestyle through what he wears, which includes his luxury watch.
Thus, what Dimon wears in the episode becomes pivotal to the narrative, justifying the need for an opulent watch brand. Since the series may not want to advertise a real watch brand, Goddard must have relied on Greyford, a fictional one. Even though the brand does not exist in real life, there are several prestigious labels that resemble the same in reality. Since Dimon wears handcrafted Italian suits, it won’t be a surprise if he wears a Van Cleef & Arpels watch. The products of the French brand were worn in the past by Princess Diana, Elizabeth Taylor, and Queen Nazli of Egypt. When it comes to Swiss luxury watches, Audemars Piguet deserves a mention.
Galdorian Does Not Have a Real-Life Counterpart
Similarly, Galdorian is also a fictional fine jewelry brand. The word itself does not exist beyond the series’ premiere episode. Morgan encounters the bracelets of the brand when her murder investigation turns to the sister of Lynette Acosta, the wife of the murder victim, Anthony Acosta. Since her alibi places her in Fontana, Morgan connects the dots and realizes that she is having an affair with Dimon. The realization convinces the protagonist to take a good look at the jewelry items that belong to her, only to come across Galdorian. Since it is also a luxury brand that is seemingly out of her budget, Morgan links the same to Dimon.
While Galdorian is fictional, there are several fine jewelry labels that have an unignorable presence in today’s markets. Noura Sakkijha’s Mejuri is one of them. The elegance of the bracelets reminds us of AGMES’ products, which are handmade in New York. The real-life bracelets and bangles of Stephanie Gottlieb are also a prominent alternative to the fictional Galdorian. Ultimately, there are also labels such as Chanel, which can boast the legacy of over a century. Founded by Coco Chanel in 1940, the brand remains one of the most prestigious jewelry makers on the planet.
Read More: High Potential: Is the ABC Show Inspired By a True Story?
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