Developed by Greg Spottiswood, ‘All Rise’ is a legal drama series that revolves around the happenings at the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Although the storyline centers around Judge Lola Carmichael, the court reporter Sara Castillo is also one of the significant characters in the show. Lindsay Mendez portrays Sara Castillo in the CBS drama and has been a part of the series since season 1.
Mendez is one of the most appreciated actresses in the industry. She is the recipient of the prestigious Tony Award for the Best Featured Actress in a Musical for her work in ‘Carousel.’ However, fans have lately turned their attention to her personal life as they are wondering if the actress is pregnant. Here is what we know!
Is All Rise’s Lindsay Mendez Pregnant?
Neither Lindsay Mendez nor her husband Philip Wakefield has made any public statements about their pregnancy. The couple got married in May 2016 and have been enjoying their respective flourishing careers as well as their time with each other. While Mendez is going from strength to strength in her acting career, Wakefield is a successful jazz musician.
Before Mendez started taking up roles in television series, she was already a Broadway sensation. Apart from winning the Tony Award in 2018, the actress and singer also received the Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award for ‘Carousel’ the same year. She also won the Audience Choice Award for ‘Wicked’ and ‘Significant Other’ in 2014 and 2017, respectively. Many of you may recognize her from television series such as ‘Modern Family,’ ‘Elementary,’ and ‘Murphy Brown.’
The talented actress also runs a training and mentorship program for young actors in New York City along with composer Ryan Scott Oliver. Therefore, it is clear that her work keeps her extremely busy. However, Mendez and Wakefield are parents to an adorable dog called Ella, who the actress lovingly refers to as her “dog-ter.” The Tony Award-winner often shares posts about Ella, stating that she is immensely grateful to have her as a part of her life.
Mendez is also a doting aunt and spends time with her niece and nephew as often as she can. So, as far as Mendez’s pregnancy speculations go, they are currently just that- speculations. If she and Wakefield decide to start a family, we will hopefully know soon. But for now, it looks like the couple is blissfully happy with life as it is. Mendez often shares adorable pictures of her hubby, especially on his birthdays. She also puts up pictures on Instagram from their trips.
Read More: Is All Rise’s Simone Missick Pregnant?