The tenth installment of the ‘Fast & Furious‘ film series, ‘Fast X‘ is an action thriller movie that revolves around Dom Toretto and his family as they come face to face against their most lethal foe, who threatens to destroy everything they have and love. Helmed by Louis Leterrier, the sequel to the 2021 film ‘F9‘ features various actors and actresses, some of whom reprise their roles from previous parts, including Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Jason Momoa, and John Cena.
Upon its premiere, ‘Fast X’ opened to mixed reviews from critics who appreciated the outlandish action-packed sequences and Jason Momoa’s outstanding performance. If you have been following the franchise from the beginning, you must be quite excited to learn more about this part. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is Fast X About?
The narrative chronicles the life of Dom Toretto and his family, who have faced and outsmarted every other nemesis that they have faced till now. But when Dante Reyes, the son of Hernan Reyes, forces his way into their lives with a vengeance on his mind, the Toretto family must encounter the most dangerous foe they have ever fought against. Now that you are interested in checking out the movie, here are all the ways to watch it!
Is Fast X on Netflix?
Unfortunately, Netflix doesn’t house the action-packed Vin Diesel starrer in its expansive collection. However, there are other action movies that you can watch using your subscription, such as ‘Lost Bullet‘ and ‘Lost Bullet 2.’
Is Fast X on Disney+?
No, ‘Fast X’ is unavailable for streaming on Disney+. But don’t let it disappoint you because the streamer includes thrilling alternatives, including ‘Race to Witch Mountain.’
Is Fast X on HBO Max?
We hate to tell you that ‘Fast X’ is not included in HBO Max’s extensive catalog. Alternatively, you can turn to similar action films the streamer offers subscribers. We recommend you watch ‘Speed Racer‘ and ‘Cold Pursuit.’
Is Fast X on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers will likely be disappointed because ‘Fast X’ is unavailable on the streamer. However, don’t let it stop you from checking out other alternatives that Hulu houses, such as ‘Vendetta‘ and ‘One Way.’
Is Fast X on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime subscribers must look for ‘Fast X’ on other platforms as it is not a part of the streaming giant’s library. Thanks to its vast collection of movies and TV shows, you can tune into similar films such as ‘Vehicle 19‘ and ‘Transit.’
Where to Watch Fast X Online?
As of writing, ‘Fast X’ has been released exclusively in theaters. So, you can’t watch the Louis Leterrier directorial online by streaming or purchasing. But if you wish to watch the action unfold on the big screen, you are more than welcome to check show timings and book tickets on the movie’s official website and Fandango.
How to Stream Fast X For Free?
Since ‘Fast X’ is not included in any digital platform, there is currently no way to stream the action thriller movie for free. All you can do is keep your fingers crossed and hope it arrives on any online platform offering a free trial to its new subscribers. That said, we encourage all our readers to pay for the content they wish to consume and show their support for the art of cinema instead of looking for illegal ways to do the same for free.
Read More: Where Was Fast X Filmed?