Directed by Leo Scherman, Lifetime’s ‘Secrets at the Inn’ is a thriller movie that tells the story of a chef named Natalie Flores. When her estranged twin sister, Celia, passes away while renovating a historic inn, Natalie has to take up the responsibility of her niece, Sabrina Flores. Hence, Natalie moves into the inn to live with Sabrina but gets disturbed by the strange noises coming from the inn itself. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Natalie is suspicious of everyone, including Sabrina, Sabrina’s boyfriend, and the handsome contractor.
Given the mixture of family drama and thrilling storyline in the movie, it is no wonder that many viewers are eager to know more details about the film. While many have praised the talented actors who bring the characters to life, people have also expressed admiration for the film’s backdrops. However, the movie’s biggest captivating point is perhaps its intriguing storyline. Naturally, fans are eager to know if the plot is based on real-life events. To get the answers to the same and much more, here is everything we know about the same!
Secrets at the Inn is an Original Story
No, ‘Secrets at the Inn’ is not based on a true story. The film was written by David Goulet, who is also the brains behind ‘Secrets in the Wilderness.’ Leo Scherman took up the role of the film’s director and showcased the same skills he utilized in his previous projects like ‘Pretty Cheaters, Deadly Lies‘ and ‘Is There a Killer in My Family?’ While the movie is not a retelling of real-life vents, it is able to provide a feeling of realism thanks to its characters and relatable plot points.
As the movie continues, the various situations the characters find themselves in and their reactions to the same become one of the major reasons why the viewers feel themselves connecting to the movie. Natalie’s newfound responsibility as a guardian of a teenage girl she barely knows is enough to make many empathize with the position she is in. Similarly, Sabrina’s recent loss of her parents and her actions stemming from it also provide an interesting element to the audience.
While the story may be entirely fictional, the human nature of the characters allows viewers to feel an emotional connection with them. Both David and Leo took some of the most basic human traits for their characters and put them in a storyline that is just out of the realm of normalcy but still makes the viewers feel like this might one day happen to them. Even though such events never actually took place in real life.
Secrets at the Inn Filming Locations
‘Secrets at the Inn’ was produced in the County of Brant and the city of Hamilton, both in Ontario. The principal photography of the movie took place in and around February 2022. Let’s explore the filming locations in a bit more detail.
County of Brant, Ontario
The County of Brant in Ontario was one of the major production locations for Lifetime’s ‘Secrets at the Inn.’ Several scenes for the movie were lensed at 13 Main Street South. Many locations within the neighborhood of St. George can also be seen in the Lifetime thriller, including St. George United Church at 9 Beverly Street East. Additionally, parking spaces on the West side of Main Street South were also used for filming purposes. While the production was underway, the cast and crew were encouraged to take advantage of the services provided by local businesses in downtown St. George.
Hamilton, Ontario
Located on the shores of Lake Ontario, the city of Hamilton in the Candian province of Ontario served as one of the primary filming locations of the movie. Given the city’s well-developed infrastructure, it is easy to see why the filmmakers chose Hamilton to produce the film. The number of facilities available within the region helps smoothen the intricacies of the shooting process. Some of the well-known movies lensed in Hamilton include ‘The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones’ and ‘It.’
Secrets at the Inn Cast
The talented Tamara Almeida plays the character of Natalie Flores in ‘Secrets at the Inn.’ You may recognize her from her work in ‘Cupids on Beacon Street’ and ‘Ghostwriter.’ Actress Zoë Belkin takes up the role of Sabrina Flores and has also been a part of ‘Ice Road Killer‘ and ‘I Do, or Die – A Killer Arrangement.’ Other appearances include Spencer MacPherson as Elijah Miller, Luke Humphrey as Andy Bertrand, and Paulino Nunes as Paolo. Milton Barnes acts as Sheriff Kelly, while Zoe Doyle portrays Sarah Parsons.