‘Unstoppable’ tells the story of Anthony Robles, a wrestler who, despite being born with only one leg, managed to win the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships in 2011. Under the direction of William Goldenberg, the biographical sports drama captures Anthony’s ups and downs, highs and lows, and personal challenges as he tries to secure victory. Along the way, the resilient fighter is aided by his mother, Judy, who keeps pace with him every step of the way. She provides him with an anchor and emotional support when needed, even though she faces hardships of her own. She plays a pivotal role throughout the narrative, showcasing the intimate nature of Anthony’s rise to prominence and his sporting career’s launch, which would not have been possible without his mother’s sacrifices.
Judy Robles Was Anthony’s Biggest Supporter and His “Hero”
Judy Robles was 16 years old when she gave birth to Anthony Robles on July 20, 1988. She met Anthony’s biological father at a junior-year high school party. When he learned that Judy was pregnant, he allegedly left the young mother to tend to Anthony on her own. She had no knowledge that Anthony was born with one leg until he was brought to her in the hospital. Her parents broke the news to her first. Despite his physical condition, Judy never held him back from exploring, chasing dreams, and finding his own way by making mistakes. In the initial phase, she struggled to balance her life as a teenager with her responsibilities as a mother. However, soon, she found herself taking on the task with as much courage and care as she could, ensuring that Anthony got the best chance to succeed.
When Judy was 18, she met her future husband, with whom she shared four children: Nicolas, Joshua, Ronnie, and Andrew. According to her, the relationship had various difficulties that were apparent from the beginning. However, Judy continued to be a pillar of support for her son Anthony. She attributed much of Anthony’s strength of character and resilience to his wrestling. However, he insists that his winner’s mentality and personality were instilled in him by his mom, who always pushed him and his siblings never to stop short of “excellence.” Around 2008, Judy’s marriage with Anthony’s stepfather fell apart, leaving her with a financial crisis to deal with. Judy was donating blood to put food on the table for her five children. However, she regained her poise after Anthony stepped in to help, giving her the clarity to step up as a mother again.
Judy Robles is Currently a Faculty Member at Arizona State University
Following Anthony’s rise as a national wrestling champion, Judy rebuilt her own life and ensured that each of her children went into college themselves. In 2013, her children helped her to move out of Tempe, Arizona, home to a new residence in the bustling city of Phoenix. She completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication with a minor in English Literature in 2014 at the same university where Anthony completed his Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies while also being a wrestler – Arizona State University. She collected her degree on December 16, alongside her son Nicolas. However, her academic journey was far from over, as the single mother went on to obtain a Master’s Degree in Higher and Postsecondary Education.
Judy also completed her Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership in 2022 from Northern Arizona University. During her program, she wrote the dissertation ‘Nosotras Somos la Diferencia: Reclaiming Our Identities as First-Generation Latina Professionals in Higher Education.’ Today, Judy is likely 52 and works as ASU’s Assistant Dean of Students. She was present during the filming of ‘Unstoppable’ and had an emotional reaction to some of the dramatic scenes depicting her struggles as a single parent raising five children. She is presently the nana of seven grandsons and continues her work as an ASU faculty member dedicated to helping first-generation students and their families accept and thrive in academic life through her own experiences.
Read More: Bobby Williams: Where is Anthony Robles’ High School Coach Now?
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