The Thai drama show, ‘Master of the House,’ sets up an intriguing mystery featuring a spoilt wealthy family, their luxurious house, and a miserably mistreated staff of servants. Shortly after Roongroj Thevasatitpaisarn, a successful diamond tycoon, marries his maid, Kaimook— much to his sons, Phupat and Mavin’s displeasure— he ends up inexplicably dead. Consequently, his death sets into motion a ruthless battle between his heirs over the inheritance, with Kaimook and the other servants getting caught in the middle of the crossfires. Meanwhile, Roongroj’s widow remains suspicious of the former patriarch’s death and attempts to utilize the brothers’ rivalry against them in search of justice. Throughout the story, the initial death looms over the narrative as an unsolvable puzzle, influencing the characters’ actions and shaping their narratives until the very end. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Master of the House Recap
Shortly after Roongroj Thevasatitpaisarn marries his maid Kaimook, the wealthy patriarch ends up dead following a freak fall from his first-floor balcony. As such, his sons, Phupat and Mavin, who have long been vying to succeed their father as the head of Theva Gems, eagerly await the will’s reading. Nevertheless, they’re also equally apprehensive of any changes their father may have made to their inheritance in the light of his marriage to Kaimook. As such, the family becomes hell-bent on making the former maid’s life a living hell to push her out of the family. Although Mavin’s wife, Arya, manages to humiliate her enough to achieve the same, Kaimook asks to stay at the house and continue as a servant.
Kaimook remains convinced that Roongroj’s death wasn’t an accident. Therefore, she sticks around the house to investigate the matter further. Simultaneously, Phupat and Mavin attempt to undermine each other before the Theva Gems board members to snatch the business from under the other’s hands. Eventually, the day of the reading arrives, and Mavin earns the presidency of his father’s company. In turn, the latter’s widow receives no inheritance. Naturally, the outcome makes Phupat suspicious of his brother for tampering with the will. Furthermore, Kaimook informs him that she suspects Mavin of killing their father since she saw him storm Roongroj’s room in anger on the night of his murder.
Even though Phupat refuses to take Kaimook seriously without any evidence, his complications with Mavin grow as the younger brother kicks him off the company board. Meanwhile, Phupat’s daughter, Kita, continues to torment one of the servants, Bee, whose fashion designs the former steals and passes off as her own. After a particularly gruesome interaction between the two, Bee uses the family dog Cartier’s collar camera to record and livestream Kita’s affair with her cousin Shutter during his father’s Presidency party. Afterward, when Mavin blows up over his son, Shutter reveals he has damning evidence against his father.
However, as Shutter storms out of the house and goes for a drive, a helmeted biker ends up attacking him, leaving him severely injured. While the boy fights for his life at the hospital, and Mavin punishes his attacker— who turns out to be one of the wronged house servants— Kaimook retrieves the missing evidence the son had against his father: CCTV footage of Mavin storming Roongroj’s room. Phupat takes the footage to the police to get his brother arrested, launching an investigation against him. Nonetheless, Mavin pays off the authorities to hinder the investigation, stopping it in its tracks.
Backed into a corner, Phupat decides to play dirty to regain his swiftly slipping control over his father’s wealth and influence. In the hospital, Shutter’s condition had worsened, requiring a heart transplant to ensure his survival. As it turns out, Phupat’s father-in-law owns a prominent hospital that could instantly save Shutter’s life. Therefore, he compels his wife to pitch Arya a deal for the treatment in exchange for her Theva Gems shares. Even though Arya agrees to the deal, Mavin manipulates the situation so that she only has a singular share to sign over to Phupat. Consequently, the older brother falls into his trap, losing his cards and earning a target on his back.
Even so, Phupat has one last move to play. As the head of Theva Gems, Mavin decides to invest in a diamond mine owned by his brother’s friend, Carlos. For the same reason, he holds a yacht party, employing some house servants, including Kaimook, as the party staff. Despite Phupat’s existing rapport with Carlos— which can help secure the deal— Mavin keeps him out of the party after firing him from the company. Still, Phupat arrives at the event, forcing Mavin to play nice to appease Carlos. As the evening settles in, Mavin rides a motorboat out into the ocean to set off the fireworks, and Phupat insists on accompanying him because of his inebriated state. However, the evening takes an unexpected turn as the boat blows up— killing Mavin.
Master of the House Ending: Why Does Phupat Kill Mavin?
Phupat’s actions remain suspicious throughout the party, given his strained relationship with Mavin. He helps his brother impress Carlos to ensure a deal can be stuck between the two even though he no longer holds a bid in Theva Gems. Furthermore, his concern over his brother’s inebriated state before the fireworks remain inconsistent with the siblings’ otherwise hostile relationship. As such, it is no surprise that the boat explodes, with only Phupat and Joke emerging unharmed.
As it would turn out, Phupat’s rivalry with Mavin wasn’t only a battle ignited by the fight over Roongroj’s inheritance. The brothers have had a concerningly aggressive relationship throughout their lives, with their father encouraging them to compete with each other at every turn. For the same reason, his sons craved his approval and became distasteful of each other. However, Phupat’s feelings toward his father remained even more complicated. Unlike his brother, Phupat despised his father for his apathetic behavior. Therefore, he wanted to destroy Roongroj’s success ever since he was a child.
As a result, after Roongroj’s death, Phupat fought to earn ownership over Theva Gems so that he could mold his father’s legacy to his design. Consequently, after he lost control over the company due to Mavin, he had to resort to killing his own brother. Thus, he teamed up with the servants to inebriate Mavin during the yacht party to make him lose his inhibitions. From there, with Joke’s help, he pushed a drugged-out Mavin from the boat and orchestrated a bomb blast. Nevertheless, when the same didn’t kill Mavin, Phupat intentionally bribed the ambulance drivers to take a longer route to ensure his brother died on the ride to the hospital.
Consequently, Phupat finally earns the presidency over Theva Gems, holding the key to his lifelong aspiration to ruin his father. In order to do so, he sets up a meeting with a rival company, Gentle Gems, to sell them his company, undoing everything his father had built. However, as his dreams of destruction begin to come true, the truth of his own helplessness emerges. Since he has only ever worked toward the goal of ruining his father’s work, he has nothing else to drive him now that he’s on the edge of accomplishing the same.
Did Mavin Change His Father’s Will? What Was Roongroj’s Original Will?
After Mavin’s death, Phupat gains prominent control over the family’s business. Even so, he calls up his late father’s attorney to review the will. Consequently, the truth about Mavin emerges, as his brother had suspected from the start. Where Phupat had grown hateful of his father, Mavin wanted to become his successor, adding to his legacy as a twisted way to prove his worth. He had always had a knack for cheating and decided to employ similar methods to earn control over Theva Gems.
Mavin blackmailed Roongroj’s attorney with incriminating information against his daughter to get him to change his father’s will in his favor. For the same reason, Phupat only received a mere golf course, while the company’s shares were all divided between Mavin and his wife. However, the revelation gives way to another question: to whom did Roongroj actually leave his company? For an answer, the attorney presents Phupat with the original will wherein the patriarch left every penny of his inheritance to Kaimook and any heir she may have. Stranger still, the attorney also has a video of Roongroj signing the will, wherein the maid-turned-wife is right beside him. Thus, things begin to fall into place for Phupat, who realizes Kaimook’s real motives for sticking around the house and helping him plot Mavin’s demise.
Who was Behind Roongroj’s Death?
Throughout the narrative, Roongroj’s death remains the most essential source of mystery. Yet, the revelation that Kaimook was knowledgeable about his last-minute changes to the will brings up another puzzle regarding her silence on the matter. Likewise, as the plot progresses, the reality of the servants’ treatment of Thevasatitpaisarn household emerges, compelling one to wonder how the family gets away with things like caging their workers, regularly assaulting them, and even getting away with their murder. The answers to these questions arrive at the reveal of Kaimook’s secretive grand plan.
While Kaimook’s persistent and solitary worry about avenging Roongroj’s death makes it seem like she genuinely cared for the man, the reality of the situation couldn’t be farther from it. After the woman initially applied for the job— lured in by the ludicrous paycheque, she quickly realized the position was much more taxing than imagined. Per a contract, the servants must be on duty twenty-four hours a day and present themselves to inhumane forms of punishment. Moreover, they must showcase excellent punctuality or endanger a chunk of their pay.
Even so, the most sinister aspect of her job becomes clear after Kaimook notices the eclectic behavior of one of her co-workers, Dao. Early in her employment, Kaimook catches Roongroj’s eye, inviting easy attention and conversation. Nevertheless, she soon learns the family’s patriarch rarely ever talks to other servants— and seems to particularly affect Dao, who flinches at the mention of his name. Kaimook soon learns the reasoning behind it when Roongroj orders her to arrive at his greenhouse in the middle of the night. After days of attempting to charm her, he finally shows his true colors by forcefully taking pictures of her and coercing her into having sex with her. He seems to have a fascination with treating women as his hunted butterflies, forcing himself on them and pouring wax over their bodies.
After Roongroj does the same with Kaimook, she realizes Dao is also one of his victims. Furthermore, as the former attempts to run away from the Thevasatitpaisarn house, she realizes the other woman also walked the same path until it led to her death by suicide. Thus, Kaimook decides she isn’t going to allow Roongroj and the rest of his family to get away with their inhumane treatment of the staff. Therefore, she comes up with a plan to play into the master’s hand and seduce him. She dutifully follows his orders, tricking him into believing she is entirely loyal to him.
From there, Kaimook subtly manipulates Roongroj into believing he could have a better heir than Mavin and Phupat if he had a son with her. For the same reason, he rewrites his will, leaving everything to Kaimook. Once he makes their union official in front of his family and friends by marrying her on his birthday, his part in Kaimook’s scheme ends. Thus, she drugs his drink using Phupat’s hidden stash. Furthermore, she also ensures that Mavin’s anger at his father’s decision brings him to the latter’s door. Consequently, as Roongroj falls out of his balcony under the drug’s influence, the crime scene holds multiple pieces of evidence against the brothers.
Afterward, Phupat and Mavin’s lethal rivalry offers Kaimook the possibility to also take the brothers down. Thus, she and the other servants come up with a plan to help Phupat kill his brother while they secretly extract video evidence of the event. As such, in the end, she successfully manipulates the situation to ensure Roongroj and Mavin’s death, holding incriminating evidence against Phupat. Furthermore, once Phupat learns the entire truth, he attempts to choke Kaimook, only to find that the house servants have been recording the interaction to gain another advantage.
Ultimately, under Kaimook’s leadership, the servants take their revenge upon Roongroj and his family for the years of torment they had to endure. The elderly patriarch’s death had been the spark that helped them get rid of the others and take over their wealth. While Kaimook and the others become the new masters of the Thevasatitpaisarn, the remaining Thevasatitpaisarns suffer in obscurity. Arya is forced to return to her acting gigs, while Shutter dies alone in a hospital. Meanwhile, Phupat’s family remains scattered as he dies an undignified death in a back alley where he gets stabbed in a drunken fight.
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