Netflix’s ‘The Tailor’ (originally known as ‘Terzi’) is a mystery drama series created by Onur Güvenatam. It follows Peyami Dokumacı, a famous tailor with a dark secret whose life is entwined with his best friend’s fiancé, Esvet, who has her own dark past. As Peyami and Esvet grow close, they must confront the consequences of the secrets they keep. The first season ends with a bang, leaving plenty of questions unanswered. Whether Peyami finds a way to protect Esvet or succumbs to his own problems forms the ending of ‘The Tailor’ season 1! SPOILERS AHEAD!
The Tailor Season 1 Recap
‘The Tailor’ follows Peyami Dokumacı, a successful and famous tailor residing in Istanbul, Turkey. Peyami is the son of Mustafa, who is mentally ill and has the intelligence of a child. As a result, Peyami is ashamed of his father and maintains a distance from Mustafa. However, after his grandfather passes away, Peyami is forced to return to his childhood home and take responsibility for his father. Peyami’s grandmother, Sulun, and Mustafa move with him to Istanbul. However, Peyami tries to keep Mustafa a secret and hides him from everyone.
Meanwhile, Peyami’s best friend, Dimitri, who hails from a wealthy family, is preparing for his impending wedding. Dimitri’s mother wants Peymai to look at the bride’s wedding dress as its fitting is loose. Peyami meets the bride, Esvet, while he is blindfolded and starts working on fixing her dress. On the other hand, Dimitri is abusive towards Esvet and constantly mistreats her. Peyami searches for a caretaker for his father and meets a woman who introduces herself as Firuze, who is none other than Esvet.
Esvet escapes from Dimitri’s captivity and seeks shelter with Peyami. She becomes Mustafa’s caregiver, but Sulun presents a condition that she must marry Mustafa. Meanwhile, Dimitri frantically searches for Esvet and draws ire on her parents, who had arranged the wedding. On the other hand, Dimitri’s father, Ari, is embarrassed by his son’s desperation. Dmitri and his family visit Peyami’s house for dinner. However, Esvet accidentally lets Mustafa leave his room, earning Peyami’s fury. Peyami fires Esvet, and she is almost caught by Dimitri and his men when she contacts her father.
Esvet returns to Peyami’s house, agrees to Sulun’s condition, and secretly marries Mustafa. As a result, she stays at Peyami’s house and remains protected. However, Peyami soon discovers Esvet’s true identity after finding her wearing the wedding dress he designed for Dimitri’s bride. Peyami decides to protect Esvet from Dimitri and plans to have her move to London, UK, where she will start a new life. However, Peyami and Esvet are drawn to each other and develop romantic feelings. Meanwhile, Dimitri deduces that Peyami has been protecting Esvet all along and becomes determined to retrieve his fiancé, leading to a confrontation between the blood brothers.
The Tailor Season 1 Ending: Does Dimitri Find Esvet? Is Peyami Dead?
Dimitri’s search for Esvet ends in the seventh and final episode of the first season. Earlier, Dimitri finds Esvet’s bracelet in Peyami’s house, which plants the seed of suspicion in his mind. However, Dimitri’s suspicion is only confirmed after he connects the dots himself and realizes that the mysterious woman Peyami has hired to look after Mustafa is none other than his missing fiancé. Hence, Dimitri believes that Peyami is protecting Esvet since they are in love with each other.
On the other hand, we also learn about Dimitri and Peyami’s friendship, as they have been close since their childhood. However, Dimitri hated it when something belonging to him was given to his best friend. The same is evident when Dimitri’s father, Ari, gives a foal born to Dimitri’s horse to Peyami. Thus, an unhinged Dimitri confronts Peyami in the final episode at the ranch, which symbolizes the relationship’s nature. However, Peyami, who loves Esvet, is determined to protect her.
During their final confrontation, Dimitri draws the gun on Peyami when the latter professes his love for Esvet. However, Esvet shows up with Peyami’s grandfather’s gun and holds Dimitri at gunpoint. Peyami jumps between them and tries to de-escalate the situation. However, Esvet accidentally ends up shooting him while trying to hurt Dimitri. Peyami falls to the ground and seemingly passes out. He is still breathing, and the bullet only grazed him in the chest. Hence, it is unlikely that Peyami is dead from the wound. However, with Peyami down, Esvet is no longer under his protection, and the lovers’ fate is left in doubt.
Who Is Peyami’s Mother?
In the series, Peyami and Esvet are connected via their secrets, which they are both unaware of. In season one’s final episode, Esvet follows Peyami to a musical event where she learns his true motive. Peyami is searching for his mother. After his grandfather’s death, Peyami discovered a box containing the name Kiraz and a photograph o Mustafa’s wedding. As a result, Peyami believes the woman in the picture – Kiraz is his biological mother. Peyami explains to Esvet that he has been tracking the third person in the photograph – Osman, hoping to find his mother.
Unbeknownst to Peyami, Osman is aware of his true motives and invites Kiraz to attend the concert. Kiraz quietly witnesses her son playing music at the event but does not reveal herself. Furthermore, Kiraz explains she cannot meet Peyami as it would only hurt him further. Thus, the season ends without completely resolving the mystery of Peyami’s parentage. It is implied that, like Esvet, Kiraz was also married to Mustafa at one point and gave birth to Peyami. However, why she left Mustafa and a young Peyami in the care of the latter’s grandfather and why she refrains from meeting her son remains a mystery for now.
Why Is Ari Searching For Esvet?
After Esvet runs away from Dimitri, everyone except Ari is determined to find the girl. However, Ari seems only to be interested in disciplining Dimitri. Moreover, he does not seem to care for Dimitri and Esvet’s impending wedding. Consequently, he strengthened his business relations with Esvet’s father, Faruk. However, we later learn that it is all part of an elaborate plan to get Faruk to reveal Esvet’s location. As it turns out, Ari and Lia are interested in marrying Esvet to Dimitri since she is the legal owner of half of the family’s assets and money.
In a flashback sequence, we saw a young Lia and Ari dropping off a baby girl outside an orphanage. The girl grows up to become Esvet and is later adopted by Lia’s sister, Irini, and her husband, Faruk. Thus, it is evident that Lia and Ari have stolen their fortune from a young girl. However, since they only own half of Esvet’s fortune, the marriage between Esvet and Dimitri is important to Ari and Lia. Therefore, Ari is trying to find Esvet since his financial future depends upon seizing her assets and money. Consequently, Ari’s quest raises major questions about Esvet’s true parentage. However, for now, where Esvet comes from and how she became an orphan remains a mystery.
Read More: Where is Netflix’s The Tailor Filmed?
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