Disney+’s ‘Secret Invasion’ sees Samuel L. Jackson reprising his role as Nick Fury, who returns to Earth after a lengthy absence to deal with a Skrull invasion. However, Fury’s return to Earth is catalyzed by CIA Agent Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman) stumbling upon the Skrull conspiracy. Given Ross’ fate and the shocking twist attached to his motivations, plenty of questions about his identity are raised in the first episode. As a result, viewers might be wondering whether Everett K. Ross is a Skrull and whether actor Martin Freeman is leaving the MCU. SPOILERS AHEAD!
A Skrull Replaced Everett Ross
Everett K. Ross was first introduced in 2016’s ‘Captain America: Civil War‘ with actor Martin Freeman playing the role. He is based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name created by Kenny Martinez and Christopher Priest. Ross is a former United States Air Force member working as a CIA Agent. After helping arrest Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Ross next appears as an ally to Wakanda in 2018’s ‘Black Panther.’ Ross also appears in the movie’s sequel ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.’ During the movie, Ross is no longer a CIA Agent. He is arrested by his ex-wife and CIA director, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, for sharing confidential information with Wakanda. In the end, Ross is released from captivity by Okoye and goes on the run.
In ‘Secret Invasion,’ episode 1, titled ‘Resurrection,’ Ross secretly meets with Agent Prescod in Moscow, Russia, as the latter explains the Skrulls are planning an invasion of the Earth. However, Prescod suspects that Ross is a Skrull and attacks him. Ross flees the scene but is killed by Talos before being extracted. After Ross dies, he turns into a Skrull, confirming Prescod’s suspicions. The revelation raises a question over Ross’ presence within the larger MCU as it implies the CIA Agent has been a Skrull all along. The Skrulls have been trying to infiltrate powerful spaces on Earth. Ross’ association with Wakanda makes him an ideal candidate for a Skrull to replace him. However, since Ross’ relationship with Wakanda is established in ‘Black Panther,’ it is likely that he wasn’t replaced by a Skrull sometime after the movie’s events.
Martin Freeman Not Leaving the MCU
Actor Martin Freeman rose to prominence with his role as Tim Canterbury in the British version of the mockumentary series ‘The Office.’ He gained further recognition for playing Dr. John Watson in the British crime drama series ‘Sherlock.’ Some viewers might also associate the actor with his performance as young Bilbo Baggins in ‘The Hobbit‘ film trilogy directed by Peter Jackson. Freeman joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2016 during Phase Three. Over the years, Freeman has appeared in four MCU projects, including ‘Secret Invasion.’ However, the death of Everett K. Ross in the show’s first episode might hint that Freeman is exiting the MCU.
Presently, Freeman isn’t announced to appear in any future MCU projects beyond ‘Secret Invasion.’ However, seeing that the version of Ross that dies in the series is a Skrull, it is likely that the real Ross is still present somewhere. Hence, Freeman could reprise his role as the actual Everett K. Ross in future episodes of the series of other MCU projects. Furthermore, given that the Skrulls are holding humans whose identities they stole hostage, it is extremely likely that Ross will show up again in the show.
“I’m always very delighted if Marvel call(s). I get to just come in and have a little holiday and visit, then go back to my other life,” Freeman told Yahoo UK while promoting ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.’ “I like playing him. If they wanted me again, great, but if they didn’t, no hard feelings. I’d love to come along somewhere else for the ride,” the actor added. Freeman’s words indicate that his return for projects beyond ‘Secret Invasion’ is completely up to Marvel Studios, and he would be willing to return if there is a story to tell with his character. Hence, only time will tell if Freeman will return as Everett K. Ross.
Read More: Where is Secret Invasion Filmed?
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