‘Love Is Blind‘ is a Netflix original dating reality TV series that follows a rather interesting format and can be compared to how dating has become hugely dependent on virtual media, in today’s world. The series follows 12 men and 12 women who keep interacting with each other for a period of ten days without seeing each other. After this initial time frame, they make their choices known to the world and try to have a relationship with the person of their choice. Obviously, both parties concerned will have to agree to the arrangement. If you enjoyed watching ‘Love Is Blind,’ here are some similar shows you might wish to check out.
7. Blind Date (1985-2003; 2017-)
One of the oldest dating shows, ‘Blind Date‘ started airing on ITV in 1985. The format of the series is pretty interesting. Three candidates sit beside each other while an unseen member of the opposite sex asks them questions. Based on their answers, the unseen contestant can choose the person he/she is interested in dating.
In the next episode, we get to see how their date ends up materializing. Comedy is one of the most essential elements of this show and is the factor that has kept ‘Blind Date’ fresh and interesting.
6. Hear Me, Love Me, See Me (2018-)
This TLC series follows almost a similar pattern as ‘Blind Date’. Here, there are three contestants who interact with a woman without either party getting to see the other. Based on her interactions, the woman decides the person she wants to go out on a date with.
After she makes her choice clear, the woman in question is introduced to all the three men. In the next episode, she goes on a date with the man of her choice. However, the lack of innovation is what has hampered the show’s popularity to a huge extent.
5. Kiss Bang Love (2017-)
This reality dating series truly takes it up a notch with its format. Here the contestants end up kissing each other blindfolded and based on the kiss that they shared, the participant in question gets to choose the person he/she wants to go on a date with. The main problem of this series is the fact that it only makes sexual compatibility the factor on which to decide the person you want to date.
4. The Bachelor (2002-)
Probably the most popular dating show of all time, ‘The Bachelor‘ has been around since 2002 and still attracts a huge number of viewers every season. The format of this show finds a number of women competing for the hands of one man.
Roses play a very important role in ‘The Bachelor’ since whether a woman stays on the show or is eliminated, depends on whether she is given a rose by the bachelor at the end of the episode. However, despite the show’s popularity, only two marriages have come out of its entire saga.
Read More: Shows Like The Bachelor
3. The Bachelorette (2003-)
A spin-off of ‘The Bachelor’, ‘The Bachelorette‘ follows a similar format as the original show. Here, it is the men who are competing against each other for the hands of a single woman. Many a time, you will find one of the competitors in a season of ‘The Bachelorette’ participating as the man in ‘The Bachelor’ and vice versa.
Just like it’s predecessor, ‘The Bachelorette’ also enjoys a tremendous fan following. The quarrels and drama which take place between the participants is something the audiences love watching.
2. Are You The One? (2014-)
This dating reality series uses a rather fresh and interesting concept. Here, a dating algorithm is used to pre-determine the couples that can gel together based on certain questions, interviews, and so on. However, these results are not revealed to the participants and they end up getting to interact with each other freely.
Based on the interactions, these contestants end up choosing the person they want to date. However, if the choice does not match the pre-determined outcome, they have to repeat the process once again. Certain sexually charged encounters and physically aggressive behavior add to the drama we expect from such a show.
1. Dating Around (2019-)
A Netflix original series, ‘Dating Around‘ is a show which comes with the belief that one must have a lot of options to choose from while figuring out the person he/she wants to seriously date. Here, the dater in question meets five different people over the course of a single episode and only then he/she decides whom they wish to meet again. Flirtatious banter and certain awkward moments increase the element of fun in each episode.
Read More: Shows Like The Bachelorette
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