‘Midnight, Texas’ is a supernatural series which aired on NBC for two seasons after which the network decided to cancel the show. The story of the series is based on the life of a guy named Manfred Bernardo. He is a psychic who visits a strange town called Midnight, Texas on his grandmother’s advice. There, he finds strange and supernatural creatures roaming around freely. These creatures include vampires, fallen angels, witches, werewolf-like creatures, and others. Manfred was being chased by a man called Hightower when he first entered Midnight, and with him, he brought in a lot of troubles, which become the main focus of the show.
Critics were not too pleased with ‘Midnight, Texas’, and the show ended up receiving mixed reviews. However, if you enjoyed watching this show and are looking for something similar, then you have come to the right place. Here’s the list of best shows similar to ‘Midnight, Texas’ that are our recommendations. You can watch several of these series like ‘Midnight, Texas’ on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime.
8. Angel (1999-2004)
‘Angel’ is a spin-off of the famous supernatural series ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’. The show centers around the life of a vampire known as Angel. He falls into sad circumstances after a group of gypsies take away his vampire qualities and restores his human soul within him. Angel has been murdering and torturing his victims for more than a century, but what happens to him now is that his human soul fills him with remorse. Buffy then moves to Los Angeles and starts his life as a private detective who wants to help people in trouble. Angel ends up fighting against evil forces, both natural and supernatural, in order to help the common people. His main enemy turns out to be a law firm called Wolfram & Hart, which uses occult practices and brings out demonic forces for Angel to fight. The show is structured in what we call a serialized format, with each episode standing out as a separate story, while all the stories take the overarching narrative forward.
7. A Discovery of Witches (2018-)
Adapted from a bestselling series of novels written by Deborah Harkness, ‘A Discovery of Vampires’ saw its first season being aired on Sky One. The immense success of the series prompted the network to renew the series for two more seasons at least. The story revolves around a woman called Diana Bishop. A historian, Bishop visits Oxford University as a guest and comes across an interesting manuscript in the famous Bodleian Library. We are also told that Diana herself is a witch, but is mostly reluctant to use her powers.
However, the book intrigues Diana so much that she gets busy researching on all the spirits and magical creatures that exist in the world. Diana is helped by Matthew Clairmont in her research. He is a vampire besides being a geneticist. Clairmont offers Diana to help in her research because he is well-versed with many of the creatures mentioned in the book. The show then takes us to a journey through the many supernatural aspects hidden in and around London of the Elizabethan age. Rotten Tomatoes gave the first season a 100% rating and said, “A Discovery of Witches smartly grounds its flights of fancy with a lived-in authenticity and harnesses the chemistry between its two star-crossed leads to make for a promising foray into the occult.”
6. The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017)
The central character of ‘Vampire Diaries’ is a girl called Elena Gilbert who is rendered an orphan after her parents are killed in a road accident. Elena lives in a town called Mystic Falls, which is teeming with supernatural beings. We find Elena in a relationship with a vampire who is about 162 years of age. Stefan also has a brother called Damon Salvatore, who is initially the antagonist of the series, but later becomes one of the lead characters and falls in love with Elena as well. The story of these three and their fights against evil forces become the central storyline of the show. However, there are other subplots which include the other inhabitants of the town.
5. Charmed (1998-2006; 2018-)
Mel and Maggie are two sisters who discover that they have an older half-sister soon after the death of their mother. When the three sisters finally meet, they suddenly gain supernatural abilities. Macy Vaughn, the eldest one, receives the power of telekinesis, Mel can stop time, while Maggie can hear people think. The three sisters are then contacted by an advisor called the whitelighter, who tells them that they are witches just like their mother Marisol. Their powers were kept in check by Marisol so that the sisters have a normal childhood and can grow up freely. But now that they have regained their powers, the sisters come to know that their job is to protect the innocent people from any oppression they might face from supernatural sources. Their trio is named ‘The Charmed Ones’. The show initially aired from 1998 to 2006. The 2018 rebooted version has changed some facts of the show and brought together a much more diverse cast.
4. Heroes Reborn (2015-2016)
This miniseries continues the story of the NBC science fiction drama ‘Heroes’. To introduce audiences to the characters of ‘Heroes Reborn’, the makers had released a six-part series called ‘Dark Matters’. The story takes place in the town of Odessa, Texas. A massive terrorist attack had ravaged the town one year before the story began. The government now blames people with special powers and hold them responsible for the terrible tragedy. These humans with special powers are now called Evos, and they are forced to stay in hiding because vigilante groups roam around the city trying to find an opportunity to kill these people.
Noah Bennet is the lead character of the show. Afraid that his life might be in danger as well, Noah hides from any human contact. We also see other Evos who are slowly discovering their powers and potentials. The newer Evos also meet the older ones and form a strong alliance. This alliance is formed to help save the earth from a massive tragedy which is set to cause something called a geomagnetic reversal.
3. Witches of the East End (2013-2014)
Melissa de la Cruz’s similarly titled book is the inspiration behind this series. The story is located in a town called East End and focuses on the lives of a family of witches. The family comprises of a woman called Joanna Beauchamp, her two daughters Freya and Ingrid, and her sister Wendy. Each of these witches has a separate power, and are immortal. However, none of them can use their powers because they were involved in the murder of many women during the infamous Salem Witch Trials. Critics were not that impressed with the show, and were of the opinion that the adaptation hardly does justice to the original source material.
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2. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018-)
This show centers around a character called Sabrina, who is torn between two worlds. On one hand, she is a normal teenager trying to have a relationship with a normal boy. On the other hand, she is a witch with special abilities and has to defend the world and her family against many forces that are out there to cause harm. Sabrina goes to Baxter High School, and even there, she discovers that one of her teachers is actually an evil spirit called Madam Satan. This fate has befallen her after she gets attacked by the dark forces. The first season of the show was well received by critics who praised it for its great plot, humor and the acting by the cast.
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1. True Blood (2008-2014)
‘True Blood’ provides a new and interesting take on vampire tales by projecting a story set in a world where vampires are quite normal occurrences. These creatures now decide to come out in the open after a Japanese scientist is able to invent a form of artificial blood which means they will not have to kill human beings for their blood anymore. This discovery has further divided the vampires into two sections — ones who wish to integrate with humans and ones who are completely against the idea. Sookie Stackhouse is the central character of the show. She is a hybrid between a human and a faerie. ‘True Blood’ received critical acclaim for its unique concept and interesting plot.
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