Do Layton and Josie End Up Together in Snowpiercer?

Andre Layton and Josie Wellstead’s relationship is nothing but intricate in the fourth and final season of AMC’s science fiction series ‘Snowpiercer.’ Even though they cherish a warm togetherness right after moving to New Eden, Zarah Fahrami’s death and Liana’s abduction create fissures in their companionship. Layton gets forced to prioritize his daughter even when Dr. Headwood subjects his partner to extreme medical experiments. In the series finale, Josie again deviates from Layton’s ways, surprising him. However, as the series concludes, the dynamics between the couple change drastically, thanks to an unexpected person. Regardless, they return to New Eden after a transformation! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Layton’s Responsibilities Distance Himself From Josie

Andre Layton and Josie Wellstead’s relationship worsens when the former increasingly worries about Liana’s state after her abduction. He sets out to rescue his daughter by putting the lives of the New Eden residents on the line. Even though Josie extends her support to him to deal with such a troubling period, they turn against each other when she starts to speak for her friends and allies. Her reasonings as a fellow survivor who does not want to see New Eden become a cemetery annoy Layton, a father whose senses are replaced by sentimentality. By the time he finds his daughter, he gets separated from Josie to make amends.

While Layton rescues Liana, Dr. Headwood abducts Josie to transfer her blood to Mr. Joseph Wilford. She has attained resistance to freezing temperatures after a similar medical experiment, and now, the doctor wants her master to have the same ability by transferring her blood. Even when Josie is in trouble, Layton fails to rescue her, as Admiral Anton Milius comes between the two. His priority becomes bringing down the admiral, and when the same happens, his partner loses her immunity. The change in her body troubles and, more importantly, distracts her immensely. She becomes enraged at the doctor for performing an experiment using her without her consent, only for her romantic relationship to take a backseat.

Meanwhile, Layton fails to extend his emotional support to Josie because of Dr. Nima Rousseau’s transformation into a narcissistic antagonist. He realizes that he needs to stop the scientist from launching Gemini to save not only his family but also the entire group of survivors living in New Eden and on the Snowpiercer. The realization leads him to a war between his forces and the scientist’s soldiers. As he immerses himself in this conflict, he barely gets time and opportunity to care for Josie, who gets engaged in the pursuit of vengeance. As far as she is concerned, the priority becomes Dr. Headwood’s death over her relationship.

Dr. Headwood Inspires Josie to Get Back Together With Layton

Layton and Josie end up together after the latter confronts Dr. Headwood to kill the doctor. When the medical personnel realizes that she is about to get murdered, she embraces her late husband’s boots. The doctor becomes extremely paranoid when Josie takes the same boots from her, which shows her love for her deceased husband. The footwear is the only thing that once belonged to her partner she has with her. The same symbolizes their love for each other. When she is about to get murdered, Headwood cares for the boots rather than her own life, which opens Josie’s eyes.

Headwood’s action convinces Josie that her priority has to be the love she has cherished with Layton. She forgets her need for revenge and becomes emotional. Fortunately, at the exact same time, Layton meets her. His timely appearance helps him save his relationship with her. The realization leads his partner to his embrace, indicating that they get back together as a couple. Layton and Josie then return to New Eden, where they start a new chapter of their togetherness with Liana, who is no longer under threat. They are surrounded by their chosen families and friends, who are rooting for their companionship.

If New Eden becomes uninhabitable, we can expect Layton to lead the rescue operations to protect the residents. The community will always remain his kingdom, which means that he cannot completely surrender himself to Josie’s love. Having said that, he cannot expect anyone to understand his duties and have his back better than Josie. She has displayed selflessness throughout their companionship. Therefore, her qualities may hold them together even when he has to prioritize saving his citizens.

Read More: Is AMC’s Snowpiercer Based on the Movie?