Apple TV+’s ‘Ted Lasso‘ revolves around Ted Lasso, an American football coach who works with owner Rebecca Welton at AFC Richmond, a soccer club. The show’s third and potentially final season concludes by providing a meaningful resolution to several of its main characters. As Richmond plays the season’s final game, Ted makes an important decision, and Rebecca contemplates her future at the club. Therefore, viewers must be curious to learn how Rebecca’s story ends, whether her teased romance with the mysterious Dutchman comes to fruition. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Rebecca Keeps Richmond
Rebecca Welton is the owner of AFC Richmond, and she received the club in her divorce settlement from her ex-husband, Rupert Mannion. Initially, Rebecca is disliked by the club faithful as she has no experience of running the club and is looked down upon for being a woman in a men-dominated footballing landscape. Rebecca sets out to destroy AFC Richmond since it is the only thing Rupert truly loves. However, Rebecca soon finds compassion and respect at Richmond and abandons her plan to get revenge on Rupert by sabotaging the club. In the third season finale, Rebecca realizes she no longer cares about destroying Rupert as his affairs are exposed, and his image is tarnished in the media. Consequently, Rebecca considers selling AFC Richmond since she no longer needs it to hurt Rupert.
Leslie suggests selling 49% of the club and states that selling the whole club would get Rebecca $2 billion. Moreover, Rebecca tries to convince Ted to stay at AFC Richmond by expressing her desire to sell the club if he leaves. However, Ted’s mind is made up about returning to the United States to be with his son, Henry. Ultimately, Rebecca realizes what she has built at Richmond is special when she goes to Mae’s pub. Baz, Jeremy, and Paul refer to Rebecca as the club’s mother, praising her passion and contributions to Richmond. Moved by their sentiments, Rebecca sells 49% of the club to its fans. Thus, she cements her place at the club and its future success for years to come. Rebecca embraces her role as the owner of Richmond and a champion of progressive thinking in football as a whole while she is referred to as the “Club Matriarch” in the media.
Rebecca Ends Up With the Dutchman
In the season 3 finale’s final moments, Rebecca gladly accepts her role at Richmond with a renewed spirit. However, she goes to the airport to say her final goodbye to the men who stopped her from giving in to the corruption spread inside her by her divorce. By continuing to run Richmond, Rebecca honors everything Ted has taught her and signifies what he means to her. In the process, Rebecca becomes the “mother” to the club fans and falls in love with Richmond, seemingly fulfilling Tish’s predictions from earlier in the season. However, Rebecca also finds true happiness and companionship, and it is implied she starts an actual family.
After Rebecca leaves the airport, she sees a small girl who turns out to be the daughter of a Dutchman from Amsterdam. The Dutchman was introduced as a love interest for Rebecca in the sixth episode of season 3, but she and the Dutchman parted ways without knowing each other’s name. However, their chance encounter at the airport suggests it is the start of their romantic relationship, and the same is foreshadowed earlier when Ted jokes about a rom-com meet-cute moment for Rebecca. In the final scene, Rebecca is seen attending a barbeque party with the Dutchman and his daughter at Leslie’s house, confirming they end up together. Thus, Rebecca’s arc in the series concludes with her regaining her self-worth, finding a purpose, and gaining a family.
Read More: Ted Lasso: Why Ted Didn’t Stay at Richmond? Will He Return?
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