Sam Kadi is gearing up to direct the political drama film titled ‘The American Spring.’ The movie revolves around a professor of politics, known for his controversial and revolutionary ideas, who is hired by his old friend to manage his Presidential campaign. However, the hiring results in an unexpected battle that has the power to destroy not only the two but also the country. The filming schedule and locations are yet to be determined.
Kadi previously directed the 2012 drama film ‘The Citizen,’ starring Khaled Nabawy, Agnes Bruckner, Rizwan Manji, and Cary Elwes. He is also known for directing the 2016 documentary film ‘Little Gandhi,’ which is about the life of Syrian activist Ghiath Matar. Kadi also directed a couple of short films as well, specifically ‘Schizophrenia’ and ‘Raised Alone.’
There were rumors that Ben Kingsley and Pierce Brosnan had joined the film. However, the reps of Kadi have confirmed to Cinemaholic that no actor has been cast in the political drama yet. Kingsley was recently seen in Marc Turtletaub’s sci-fi comedy film ‘Jules.’ The Academy Award-winning actor also stars in Wes Anderson’s Netflix short films ‘The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’ and ‘Poison’ which premiered in September 2023. Brosnan was last seen in the Netflix film ‘The Out-Laws,’ alongside Adam DeVine, Nina Dobrev, and Ellen Barkin. The actor also stars in the role of Charlie Swift, a fixer and hitman, in Phillip Noyce’s action thriller film ‘Fast Charlie’ which premiered at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 7, 2023.
The production companies are AMG Films and Samer K Production. The latter produced ‘Lamya’s Poem,’ which revolves around a young refugee girl, who flees violence and war and finds a book of poetry by the celebrated 13th-century poet, Rumi. The film features the voices of Mena Massoud, Faran Tahir, and Millie Davis.
Read More: Best Political Movies