The filming of Netflix’s action series ‘The Night Agent’ season 2 will begin in New York and Thailand early next year. The show revolves around FBI Agent Peter Sutherland, who sets out to find a mole within the highest levels of the country’s government. While hunting down the traitor, Peter’s life gets interconnected with the former tech CEO Rose Larkin, which leads him to protect her from the people who killed her uncle and aunt.
Based on Matthew Quirk’s eponymous novel, the action thriller was created by Shawn Ryan, whose credits include FX’s ‘The Shield,’ NBC’s ‘Timeless,’ and CBS’ ‘S.W.A.T.’
Gabriel Basso headlines the cast as Peter. The ‘Super 8’ fame will return to the sophomore round with Luciane Buchanan (‘The New Legends of Monkey’), who plays Rose. The rest of the cast includes Fola Evans-Akingbola (Chelsea Arrington), Sarah Desjardins (Maddie Redfield), Eve Harlow (Ellen), Phoenix Raei (Dale), D. B. Woodside (Erik Monks), Kari Matchett (President Michelle Travers) and Hong Chau (Diane Farr). The second season is expected to feature several new faces since the same will follow Peter’s next mission.
The first installment of the series ends with Peter unraveling a terrorist conspiracy within the White House to safeguard the life of the President. He then begins his journey for a new assignment. “That’s one of the big questions we’d love to answer in Season 2. What does Peter getting on this plane and going somewhere (presumably overseas to enter into some new wild adventure) mean, with Rose going back to California to try to pursue her Silicon Valley dreams again? We certainly have some initial ideas,” creator Ryan previewed the sophomore round to Netflix’s Tudum.
Peter’s conflict with Farr may remain a significant storyline in season 2. “Due to his [Peter’s] belief in due process, he’s not going to be bummed she [Farr] is alive. But if Farr eludes justice, he’ll be a little more wary of Travers. To be a traitor and not receive justice is not okay with Peter,” Basso said about his character, joining Ryan.
New York and Thailand will be new backdrops for the action thriller, which was previously shot in Metro Vancouver, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. The Big Apple is a go-to filming destination for high-profile projects. The state earlier hosted the filming of this year’s acclaimed releases such as David Fincher’s ‘The Killer’ and Martin Scorsese’s ‘Killers of the Flower Moon.’ Thailand, on the other hand, is a popular location as far as Hollywood projects are concerned. Gareth Edwards’ ‘The Creator,’ Zack Snyder’s ‘Rebel Moon,’ and FX on Hulu’s ‘The Bear’ are some of the major productions shot in the country.
Read More: Are Night Agents Real? Is Night Action a Real Job?
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