Created by Mary-Ellis Bunim and Jonathan Murray, ‘The Real World,’ AKA ‘Real World,’ is a reality show that premiered in 1992 on MTV. The second installment of the beloved series was released in 1993 and was set in Los Angeles, California. Known as ‘The Real World: Los Angeles,’ season 2 of the show was initially titled ‘The Real World: California’ and featured a cast that soon became popular given the unexpected turn of events in the show.
Dominic Griffin is Serving as the VP for Licensing at Disney Music Group
We are starting with Dominic Griffin, who came all the way from Dublin, Ireland, to participate in the MTV series. Following the show, the reality TV star settled in Pasadena, California, and started working as an associate producer for syndicated radio programs ‘Rockline’ and ‘Modern Rockline.’ He also became a freelance contributor to Hits Magazine and contributed to the writing of ‘Wishful Thinker,’ a short film.
As of writing, Dominic is the Vice President for Licensing at Disney Music Group, having taken up the position in 2004. Dominic is presently based in Burbank, California, and enjoys the company of his beloved pets. However, he did not appear in ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ the second season of the Homecoming series within the franchise that reunites cast members from the original show’s previous seasons.
Jon Brennan is Thriving as a Country Musician Today
Originally from Owensboro, Kentucky, Jon Brennan’s music career seems to have taken off. Interstingly, he would go on to participate in seasons 1, 5, and 10 of ‘The Challenge,’ winning the first iteration of the same! He was also a part of ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ which was released on Paramount+. Presently active as a country musician, Jon is affiliated with CDX Records and always has a large crowd at live events, which simply cannot get enough of the songs played by the Kentucky native.
Tami Akbar is Flourishing as an Entertainer
Tamisha “Tami” Akbar is now known as Tami Roman Youngblood. Though she took part in multiple movies and shows following her participation in the MTV series, it was through her participation in VH1’s ‘Basketball Wives‘ that she would once again gain fame. She was seen in the show due to her former marriage to Kenny Anderson. The two tied the knot in 1994 but went their separate ways in 2001.
Presently, Tami is happily married to Reggie Youngblood and is a proud mother of two daughters, Lyric Chanel and Jazz Anderson. The reality TV star was recently seen in Lifetime’s ‘Girl in the Closet,’ a movie directed by Jaira Thomas. She was also part of the main cast of ‘Truth Be Told‘ season 2, was seen in ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ and is working in ‘The Ms. Pat Show’ and ‘Haus of Vicious.’
Beth Stolarczyk is Managing Multiple Pursuits Today
Up next, we have Beth Stolarczyk, who has taken part in seven different seasons of ‘The Challenge,’ having reached the finals in season 2. The reality TV star was also a part of ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ along with six of her cast mates from her time on ‘The Real World.’ Stolarczyk also works as a producer and is the proud CEO of Eyelushion Lashes Beverly Hills. As of writing, she is happily married to Matt Ciriello and has two children she loves very much.
Aaron Behle is the CEO of SALT. Optics Now
As of writing, Aaron Behle is still based in San Clemente, California, and seems to be doing well in his life. The reality TV star is presently the CEO of SALT. Optics and is a Certified Public Accountant, having gained his qualification in January 1996 from the California Board of Accountancy. Unlike most of his co-stars, Aaron was one of the only two members from the second season of ‘The Real World’ who did not appear in ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles.’
Glen Naessens is Involved in Various Entertainment Projects
After his time on the reality TV show, Glen Naessens opened Venus Flytrap, a one-stop coffee house. He also eloped with his girlfriend Suzan, and the two got married in the presence of their parents. However, as of writing, the MTV star seems to be in a relationship with Valarie Acevedo. Over the years, Glen has worked on multiple entertainment projects and was even a part of ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ though he did gain some negative publicity following his usage of a racial slur. As of writing, David handles the entertainment, marketing, and sales for TRENDcendentals.
Beth Anthony is Currently Running Her Boutique
Beth Anthony is another star who was seen in ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles.’ The reality TV star went on to marry her girlfriend Rebecca and seems to be enjoying life to the fullest. She presently has a boutique called The White Rabbit, which is based in Orange County, California. Additionally, Beth has a podcast called B-Role Podcast, which her fans can tune into on a regular basis.
Irene Berrera-Kearns is Thriving in Life Today
Even though Irene Berrera-Kearns had to leave the MTV series midway through due to her wedding to fiance Tim, she was able to garner many fans who were delighted to see her back in ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles.’ However, her usage of a racial slur in the series certainly did not paint the reality TV star in a good light. From what we can gather, Irene seems to be doing well in life and was undoubtedly happy to be a part of the Paramount+ show.
David Edwards is Currently Working as a Comedian Today
Let’s now talk about David Edwards, who was evicted by the housemates in the seventh episode of the show after he pulled off the bedcovers from Tami Roman, who was only in her underwear. Though he meant it as a joke, the rest of the cast members certainly did not feel the same and asked him to leave. However, he also came back to be a part of ‘The Real World Homecoming: Los Angeles,’ but once again left the show well before his castmates following an argument with Tami, which led to the involvement of her husband, Reggie Youngblood. As of writing, David works as a comedian and is known for making his audience laugh aloud with his sense of humor.
Read More: The Real World San Francisco: Where Are They Now?
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