Netflix’s ‘The Pentaverate‘ follows old-timey journalist Ken Scarborough, who crosses paths with an ancient society on his search for a groundbreaking news story. When Ken learns of the powerful group known as the Pentaverate, he decides to infiltrate them. However, the ancient order abounds with ancient practices and otherworldly technologies, all presented through Mike Myers’ distinctive comedic lens. One of the most intriguing characters (who also plays a significant role in the show’s finale) is MENTOR. Here’s everything you need to know about MENTOR from ‘The Pentaverate.’ SPOILERS AHEAD.
What is MENTOR in The Pentaverate?
MENTOR is first introduced when Dr. Hobart Clark, the Pentaverate’s newest (and soon to be murdered) member, is given an introduction to the secret society. Older members tell the flabbergasted Dr. Clark that MENTOR is a supercomputer that acts as a repository of all of the Pentaverate’s ancient knowledge and then some. Depicted by a triangular screen with a single eye inside, MENTOR is actually a computer with a soul. Thus, it is much more than just a computer and is essentially a living being with a personality.
Of course, the show’s biting comedy isn’t too far behind, and MENTOR, unfortunately, has the soul (and therefore, personality) of a crude Boston resident. Thus, for the most part, MENTOR is an ill-tempered assistant who grudgingly helps the Pentaverate and regales them with shockingly bad language. As the show progresses, more details about the supercomputer emerge. It was invented by the late member Jason Eccleston, and because of its immense computing power and knowledge, MENTOR can essentially control all the information on the internet.
When Bruce Baldwin turns rogue and attempts to sell MENTOR to the highest bidder, he essentially claims that the supercomputer will allow its user to create their own truth. Of course, not too many of the world’s leaders are impressed by Baldwin’s proposition and abandon the auction, leaving behind only the most unscrupulous buyers.
Ultimately, MENTOR meets its end when Ken is chosen to provide a new soul to the supercomputer. The foul-mouthed original soul is discarded, and the overly nice Canadian journalist fuses with the supercomputer, forming KENTOR. Interestingly, MENTOR’s appearance, which is essentially a triangle with an eye inside, is a replica of the Pentaverate’s logo (also seen on the show’s poster). It also references the symbol known as The Eye of Providence, which has long been associated with conspiracy theories and secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati.
Who Voices MENTOR?
MENTOR is voiced by stage and screen actor Gregory Hoyt. The actor brings some serious foul-mouthed comedy to the role, and even though all we see of MENTOR is one eye, the supercomputer feels like an active member of the Pentaverate. Hoyt has a long list of acting credits, including shows like ‘Klaus’ in which he plays the titular character. He has also appeared on ‘Panske & McShane,’ ‘Sundays,’ and ‘Greek.’ His film credits include ‘J. Edgar,’ ‘Life With Dog,’ and ‘Bedroom Story.’ Interestingly, Hoyt has also been a long-running character in Samuel Adams commercials, playing the part of “Your Cousin From Boston.” This undoubtedly rubs off on MENTOR in ‘The Pentaverate,’ giving the supercomputer a strangely exaggerated yet authentic Boston persona.
Read More: Who Is the Narrator of The Pentaverate?