HBO’s ‘Succession‘ revolves around the Roys, a wealthy and influential family that owns the Waystar RoyCo, a global media conglomerate spearheaded by patriarch Logan Roy. In the series, the Roys spare no opportunity to flaunt their lavish lifestyle, and their abundant wealth is on full display. Given the vast riches of the Roy family, viewers must be curious to learn just how much wealth the family’s head, Logan Roy, has at his disposal. Hence, viewers must be looking for details about Logan Roy’s net worth and the estimated value of his luxurious New York City apartment in ‘Succession.’
What Was Logan Roy’s Net Worth?
Logan Roy was born in Dundee, Scottland, and came from a humble family background, raised by his widowed mother, Helen Roy, along with his two siblings. Logan moved to Quebec, Canada, to live with his uncle Noah Roy shortly before the start of the Second World War. He spent most of his early life working with his uncle at the family’s printing and advertisement business. Over the years, Logan expanded the family business into a global media conglomerate, Waystar RoyCo. While Logan’s rise to power isn’t detailed in the series, he is one of the most influential businessmen in the United States, and Waystar RoyCo is the fifth-largest media company in the world. Thus, Logan Roy achieved immense financial success and wealth by successfully running Waystar RoyCo as its CEO for several decades.
As of the show’s fourth season, Logan Roy no longer owned a controlling stake in the company. However, he still owned a 36% stake in Waystar RoyCo. Under his stake in the company, Logan’s assets include the news channel, ATN, Hollywood production facility, Waystar Studios, and Brightstar Adventure theme parks. He also owned several newspapers, such as the influential tabloid, the NY Globe. Much of Logan’s wealth is tied up in real estate, including his Fifth Avenue Apartment in New York City, which served as his primary residence. According to sources, roughly $345 million of Logan’s wealth is tied to his real estate assets. Meanwhile, he also owns $50 million worth of helicopters and a stake in the Hearts football team valued at $10 million. His 36% share in Waystar is estimated to be worth $18 billion. All things considered, Logan Roy’s total net worth at the time of his death could be in the ballpark of $18-20 billion.
The Valuation of Logan Roy’s House
In ‘Succession,’ Logan Roy’s primary residence, his apartment on Fifth Avenue in New York City, is one of the show’s most important locations. The apartment prominently features across the show’s four seasons. The luxurious duplex apartment has views of the Metropolitan Museum and Central Park. After Logan’s passing in the third episode of season 4, a memorial service is held at his house. However, the apartment is not an actual house that exists in real life. Instead, its appearance is achieved through the use of a combination of locations, including some studio sets. Filming of scenes featuring the Fifth Avenue Apartment occurred at Manhattan’s Billionaires’ Row, an array of ultra-luxury residential skyscrapers situated at 244 5th Avenue in New York.
The apartment complex’s lobby is the entrance of the American Irish Historical Society, while most of the interior scenes were filmed on a soundstage at a studio. The apartment’s interior was inspired by the apartments of Edgar and Charles Bronfman, businessmen who owned Seagram. Although the house is not real, it is valued at roughly $60-$70 million by Logan Roy’s widow, Marcia Roy, who became the legal owner of the apartment after Logan’s death. She sells it to Logan’s eldest son, Connor Roy, for $63 million in episode 4. Apartments prices in the real Billionaires’ Row range between $6 million to $250 million, making Logan’s house a modest abode at $63 million. On the other hand, Edgar Bronfman Sr’s Fifth Avenue apartment was listed for sale at $65 million after his death, justifying the $63 million price tag on Logan’s house.
Read More: Why Did Brian Cox Leave Succession?
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