‘As We See It’ is a comedy-drama TV series that speaks about a sensitive topic with a touch of humor. Created by Jason Katims, it revolves around three roommates — Jack, Violet, and Harrison — who are on the autism spectrum. The series documents the trio’s efforts with gaining independence while managing their jobs, friendships, and love lives. Jack works at a computer job but is highly reliant on his father, Lou, who feels that his son needs to improve his social skills. On the other hand, Violet craves a typical romance but often lands in trouble due to her trusting nature and her overprotective brother.
Meanwhile, Harrison is a friendly person, but he seldom leaves home due to his fears. Inspired by the Israeli series ‘On the Spectrum’ created by Dana Idisis and Yuval Shafferman, the show makes the audience laugh and cry along the journey of the three friends as they grow into confident individuals. Set against the visuals of an ordinary neighborhood and city life, the backdrop adds a touch of relatability to the narrative. If you wish to find out where ‘As We See It’ is filmed, here’s everything we can tell you.
As We See It Filming Locations
The production of ‘As We See It’ seemingly takes place in California. The inaugural season was shot between March and May 2021. However, the pilot episode was filmed earlier in late 2019. Production most probably got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Actors Rick Glassman, Sue Ann Penn, and Albert Rutecki, who play Jack, Violet, and Harrison, are actually persons on the autism spectrum. Now, let’s look closer at the filming locations.
Los Angeles, California
‘As We See It’ is most likely filmed entirely in Los Angeles, California. Also known as the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a highly popular filming destination due to its gorgeous geography that includes scenic beaches, lush green hills, and surrounding mountains. The cityscape of the sprawling city is systematically divided into various sprawling neighborhoods and districts.
The Hollywood neighborhood in Los Angeles is the center of the nation’s film industry. Furthermore, major international film production studios like Paramount Pictures Studios and Universal Studios Hollywood are located in the city. Los Angeles is often termed the “Creative Capital of the World” and has a large number of talented artists and production crew.
Some of the most prominent landmarks in Los Angeles include the TCL Chinese Theater, Griffith Observatory, Getty Center, Disneyland Park, Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, and The Broad. The movies ‘La La Land,’ ‘Eternals,’ ‘Licorice Pizza,’ and ‘Being the Ricardos‘ were filmed in the city. In addition, it also serves as a filming site for the TV shows like ‘Euphoria‘ and ‘This Is Us.’
Read More: Is As We See It Based on a True Story?