Created by Tom Rob Smith, Hulu’s ‘Class of ’09’ is a crime drama series that revolves around a particular class of FBI agents, all of whom are at three different points in time, trying to come to terms with the significant changes that artificial intelligence (A.I.) brings to the criminal justice system of the country. By portraying several different decades, the narrative moves forward as the FBI agents of the class of 2009 in Quantico are reunited after the death of a mutual friend.
Featuring heartfelt and profound onscreen performances from Brian Tyree Henry, Kate Mara, Sepideh Moafi, Brian J. Smith, and Jon Jon Briones, the show does a great job at shedding light on the true nature of justice, humanity, and how the choices people make tend to define not just their lives but also their entire legacy. The relatively darker visuals highlight the unsettling and eerie nature of the storyline while complementing the interesting locations that feature in the thriller series. Naturally, some of you will likely wonder where ‘Class of ’09’ is filmed. Well, if you are one such curious soul, you might be interested in what we have to share about the same!
Class of ’09 Filming Locations
‘Class of ’09’ is filmed in Georgia and California, especially in and around Atlanta Metropolitan Area and reportedly in Los Angeles. The principal photography for the debut season of the crime drama series reportedly commenced in late October 2021 before the production team seemingly took a hiatus for a month or so, from December 2021 to January 2022. Shooting resumed in late January 2022 and apparently got wrapped up in May of the same year. Now, let’s not waste time and dive right into all the specific locations that can be spotted in the Hulu series!
Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Georgia
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Class of ’09’ are lensed in Atlanta Metropolitan Area, with the production team traveling across the region and taping multiple scenes for the crime show. Specifically, the filming unit reportedly utilizes the facilities of the Tyler Perry Studios at 315 Deshler Street Southwest in Atlanta, which serves as one of the primary production locations for the Brian Tyree Henry starrer.
Acquired by Tyler Perry in 2015, the 330-acre film studio consists of 12 purpose-built sound stages ranging from 10,000 to 38,500 square feet in size, each with its wooden perm, catwalk, and HVAC systems. Apart from the stages, Tyler Perry Studios is home to a wide range of standing sets, including a bank, a classic diner, a historic district, a coffee shop, an Oval Office, a Lakeside cabin, a prison yard, and many more.
Moreover, during the filming schedule of the inaugural iteration of ‘Class of ’09,’ several locals and passersby spotted the cast and crew members of the show shooting some key portions on location in and around Holy Cross Catholic Church at 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road and Atlanta Motor Speedway at 1500 Tara Pl in Hampton. Since the production team sets up camp at various sites across the city, you will likely spot some famous landmarks in the backdrop of a few scenes.
Some notable ones are the Atlanta Botanical Garden, the Georgia Aquarium, Piedmont Park, Zoo Atlanta, the Chattahoochee River, Centennial Olympic Park, and Chastain Memorial Park. Over the years, Atlanta’s locales have been featured in numerous movies and TV shows. So, apart from ‘Class of ’09,’ it has hosted the production of ‘Prisoners,’ ‘Baby Driver,’ ‘Den of Thieves,’ ‘Watchmen,’ and ‘Ozark.’
Los Angeles, California
As per reports, the cast and crew initially set up camp in Los Angeles, California’s largest city. However, after a brief schedule, the makers shifted the production to Atlanta. Hence, you might spot a few locations around the City of Angeles in the show. Known as the heart of the film and TV industry, Los Angeles is a highly sought-after shooting destination. Other hit TV shows like ‘Succession,’ ‘The Night Agent,’ and ‘White House Plumbers’ are also recorded in the city.
Read More: Best FBI TV Shows
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