Based on a webtoon titled ‘Sacred Divorce’ by Kang Tae-kyung, Netflix’s ‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ (originally titled ‘Sacred Divorce’) is a South Korean comedy-drama series created by Lee Jae-hun and Yu Young-a. The narrative follows Shin Sung-han, a pianist-turned-lawyer who treads through the complicated world of divorce as he does everything in his power to win the case for his clients.
However, as a divorce lawyer, Shin comes across different kinds of clients with some wild cases. To keep himself sane amidst all the madness, he confides in his two close friends, Jang Hyeong-geun and Jo Jeong-sik. Starring Cho Seung-woo, Han Hye-jin, Kim Sung-kyun, Jung Moon-sung, and Kang Mal-geum, the K-drama keeps the audience invested through each episode. Moreover, the use of different locations makes one wonder where ‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ is actually filmed. If you are one such curious soul, we have got you covered!
Divorce Attorney Shin Filming Locations
‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ is filmed in its entirety in South Korea, possibly in Seoul. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the courtroom-based series seemingly commenced in the summer of 2022 and wrapped up in early September of the same year. Located in East Asia, South Korea is a highly developed country with its economy being the thirteen largest in the world, when it comes to nominal GDP. Now, let’s not waste any time and navigate through all the specific sites that feature in the Netflix series!
Seoul, South Korea
A majority of ‘Divorce Attorney Shin’ is supposedly lensed in and around Seoul, the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. From the looks of it, the filming unit sets up camp at various sites across the capital to record different scenes against suitable backdrops. Moreover, it is possible that they utilize the facilities of one of the film studios for shooting a few key sequences for the K-drama. Situated in the northwest part of South Korea, Seoul is considered a global city and labeled as an Alpha-City by Globalization and World Cities Research Network (GaWC).
Officially known as the Seoul Special City, the capital is the business and financial hub of the nation, with its economy driven mainly by sectors such as manufacturing, finance, commerce, and technology. Moreover, tourism contributes significantly to the metropolis’ economy. Seoul is home to a large number of museums, religious monuments, and parks, which are popular among the tourists that visit the capital. Some of them are the National Museum of Korea, the National Folk Museum, the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Jongmyo, the Myeongdong Cathedral, Yoido Full Gospel Church, Namsan Park, Seoul Olympic Park, and Seoul Forest.
Apart from tourists, many filmmakers frequent Seoul for shooting purposes, given its vast and diverse landscape. As a matter of fact, the capital has hosted the production of many film projects over the years. Some of the notable ones are ‘Broker,’ ‘Silenced,’ ‘My Sassy Girl,’ and ‘What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim.’
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