Netflix’s ‘Sanctuary’ is a Japanese sports drama series that revolves around the fascinating world of Sumo wrestling, known to be one of the oldest sports in Japanese history. The narrative follows Kose Kiyoshi, a tough and desperate kid who becomes a sumo wrestler after getting driven to the edge of a cliff, thinking that fame, money, and women are all buried in the ring. While his cocky attitude captivates many fans, his sheer determination causes considerable upset within the industry of Sumo wrestling.
Apart from the intriguing storyline, what keeps the viewers hooked through each episode is the brilliant onscreen performances from talented Japanese actors like Wataru Ichinose, Shota Sometani, Shioli Kutsuna, Tomorowo Taguchi, Kitarou, and Katsuya Maiguma. The drama show unfolds in different Sumo rings of the city while the protagonist trains and practices against various backdrops to become the best in the sport. So, if you wish to find out about the filming sites of ‘Sanctuary,’ we have you covered!
Sanctuary: Where Was it Filmed?
‘Sanctuary’ is filmed entirely in Japan, particularly in and around Tokyo. According to reports, the principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the sports series commenced in January 2022. Now, without wasting any time, let us walk you through all the specific locations that appear in the Netflix series!
Tokyo, Japan
All the pivotal sequences for ‘Sanctuary’ are lensed in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Most interior and exterior scenes are recorded on location as the production team sets up camp at different neighborhoods, streets, and properties for shooting the sports drama series. Specifically, many Sumo arena portions are supposedly taped in and around Ryogoku Kokugikan National Sumo Arena at 1 Chome-3-28 Yokoami in Tokyo’s Sumida City. Apart from the main sumo ring, the outside areas of the arena also feature in a few scenes.
Furthermore, the cast and crew utilize Stages 7 and 10 of the Toho Studios in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo. Netflix has specifically leased the two well-equipped soundstages for their international productions. Besides, when it comes to the exterior parts of the series shot on location, you will likely spot several modern forms of architecture in the backdrop, such as Tokyo International Forum, Asahi Beer Hall, Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower, and NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building.
The city is also home to various parks, including Fuchū-no-Mori Park, Akatsuka Park, Hikarigaoka Park, and Kasai Rinkai Park. The locales of Tokyo have been a regular feature in many film and TV projects over the years. Apart from ‘Sanctuary,’ it has hosted the production of ‘Lost in Translation,’ ‘The First Slam Dunk,’ ‘Babel,’ ‘Nobody Knows,’ and ‘Like Father, Like Son.’
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