Inspired by true events, Netflix’s ‘Triptych’ (originally titled ‘Tríada’) is a Mexican mystery drama series created by Leticia López Margalli that follows a forensics expert named Rebecca whose world turns upside down when one day she comes across a victim that looks just like her while investigating a crime scene. Fueled with curiosity, Rebecca embarks on a journey to find out the truth and discovers that she is one of the three identical triplets who were separated.
The thriller show features impressive onscreen performances from a talented ensemble cast, comprising Maite Perroni, David Chocarro, Flavio Medina, Nuria Bages, and Ofelia Medina. While the suspenseful narrative keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats, the use of some interesting locations has them wondering where ‘Triptych’ is filmed.
Triptych Filming Locations
‘Triptych’ is filmed in Mexico, specifically in Mexico City. As per reports, the principal photography for the debut season of the mystery series commenced in late January 2022 under the working title ‘Tríada’ and wrapped up in mid-May of the same year. Located in the southern portion of North America, Mexico is the 13th largest country in the world in terms of area, and the 10th most populous country. Due to the nation’s vast and versatile landscape, Mexico makes for a suitable filming site for different kinds of productions, including ‘Triptych.’ Now, without much ado, let us take you through all the specific sites that feature in the Netflix series!
Mexico City, Mexico
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Triptych’ are reportedly lensed in and around Mexico City, the capital and largest city of Mexico. From what we can gather, it seems that the filming unit travels across the city to record different scenes, both interiors as well as exteriors, against suitable backdrops. Furthermore, it is possible that they even utilize the facilities of one of the film studios in and around the capital for a few important portions.
Situated in the Valley of Mexico, CDMX is considered one of the most important economic hubs in all of Latin America as it is responsible for more than 15% of the nation’s gross domestic product. Out of all the various sectors that drive the city’s economy, tourism is one of the major ones because millions of tourists visit the capital every year. Some of the popular destinations and landmarks in Mexico City are the Historic center of Mexico City, the Castle of Chapultepec, the National Museum of Anthropology, the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, and the Museo Soumaya.
Apart from tourists, Mexico City is frequented by many filmmakers for shooting purposes as well. As a matter of fact, it has hosted the production of many movies and TV shows over the years. Besides ‘Triptych,’ its locales have been featured in ‘Amores Perros,’ ‘The Arrival,’ ‘Dark Desire,’ and ‘Who Killed Sara?.’
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