Created by Liz Astrof, ‘Pivoting’ is a comedy series that captures the essence of friendship between three women. It follows Amy, Jodie, and Sarah, who, after the death of their close friend, try new things in a bid to enjoy their life while they can. The strong bond between the women is key to the narrative, and the metropolitan backdrop of New York adds a feeling of independence to it. As Amy, Jodie, and Sarah explore their surroundings and present their unique worldviews, viewers are treated to fascinating urban locations. If you are curious about the scenic places that feature in the series, we’ve got you covered!
Pivoting Filming Locations
‘Pivoting’ is primarily filmed in California, particularly in Burbank, Los Angeles, and Long Beach. The pilot episode was seemingly filmed towards the end of 2020. After the production received a series order, principal photography on the first season commenced sometime in Fall 2021. The series unfolds in a small town on Long Island in New York State. However, filming of the series mainly takes place in Los Angeles County, California. Let’s take a closer look at the show’s exact filming destinations!
Burbank, California
Los Angeles County serves as the primary filming location for ‘Pivoting.’ The series is mostly filmed on sets built at the Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank. The studio property is located at 4000 Warner Boulevard, Burbank, in the San Fernando Valley. Established in 1926, it was formerly known as Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Studios and The Burbank Studios.
Warner Bros. Studios offers state-of-the-art film and television production resources. It comprises at least 36 sound stages and 14 exterior sets. It is spread over an area of roughly 142 acres, including the main studio and the ranch facility. Popular shows such as ‘The Big Bang Theory‘ and ‘Gilmore Girls‘ have also been filmed at the facility.
Some of the exterior sets on the property provide filmmakers with an accurate recreation of New York. Moreover, the city’s multi-cultural background, metropolitan skyline, and overall vibe are similar to New York. The makers likely decided to film the series in Los Angeles County due to these reasons.
Los Angeles, California
Apart from Burbank, the series reportedly filmed some sequences for season 1 in the city of Los Angeles. The city is the nexus of the Hollywood industry and a renowned entertainment hub. Los Angeles is also known for its architecture, food, and nightlife. Hit shows such as ‘Cobra Kai‘ and ‘The Mandalorian‘ are shot in LA.
Long Beach, California
The cast and crew also shot some footage for the debut season in Long Beach, a city in Los Angeles County. With its waterfront attractions, Long Beach is known as a popular tourist destination. The city’s proximity to Los Angeles and Burbank likely contributed to the makers’ decision to film in Long Beach. The filming of popular movies such as ‘Zodiac‘ and ‘Titanic‘ occurred in the city.
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