Created by Elgin James and Stephen Merchant, ‘The Outlaws’ (alternatively titled ‘The Offenders’) is a black comedy crime drama series. Seven strangers come under one roof as per the court mandate – to repay their debts to society by community service. A radical businessman, a rundown activist, a teenage celebrity, a kleptomaniac, and Christopher Walken‘s Frank are among the eclectic mix.
The officer takes them to a rundown building, asking them to return it to its former glory. The storyline veers further off the course as the offenders get their hands on a bag full of cash and unwittingly meddle with a gruesome criminal. Most of the events in the show unfold in suburban Bristol – as we see a prison and heavily graffitied building. However, you may wonder where the series is filmed, and in that case, let us guide you to the various locations that bring the narrative to life.
The Outlaws Filming Locations
‘The Outlaws’ is filmed in its entirety in Bristol, England. Principal photography for the first season commenced in early 2020, coming to a halt in March 2020 along with the rest of the world. After the COVID-19-induced delay, filming finally resumed in February 2021. Since the show was renewed for a second season in January 2021, both seasons began filming simultaneously.
Nick Martin of ‘Dead Pixels’ fame handled the cinematography, alongside Mel Thompson, who was responsible for the art direction. The production designer of ‘Humans’ Hayden Matthews came on board to work on this project. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the series is filmed.
Bristol, England
Most of the filming takes place in Bristol. The city is situated by the River Avon in the eponymous ceremonial county in the southwestern part of England. As it is the home turf of co-creator Stephen Merchant, he was excited to explore the lesser-known pockets of the city, as well as showcase the talents that it had to offer. The team filmed extensively around the city, showcasing the iconic floating harbor, among other locations. Several scenes feature the Prince Street Bridge area and Mardyke Wharf.
According to several news outlets, the yacht they used for filming was parked near the Arnolfini Art Gallery. Scenes have also been lensed in Welsh Back and Redcliffe Wharf, communities near the Bristol Harbor. A few sequences have been shot in a bond warehouse in the area. Several interior shots, including the police cells, interrogation rooms, probation offices, and other arrangements, are filmed in The Bottle Yard Studios on Whitchurch Lane. It lies about four miles south of the city center.
In 2010, the former winery and bottling plant was turned into the fully-equipped The Bottle Yard Studios. Given the massive expansion plan it is undergoing, the studio is expected to have about 11 stages in the future and bring more revenue to the city. From ‘Broadchurch’ to ‘Public Enemies,’ several films and TV productions have visited the filming facility. The disused building where the community workers gather early in the series is the Sea Mills Community Centre in Sunny Hill, which lies in the Bristol suburb of Sea Mills. Unfortunately, the community center has been permanently closed.
In an early sequence of the show, the police chase Oxford-aspirant shoplifter Rani through a mall. The scene’s filming took place in The Galleries, a shopping mall on Fairfax Street in the Broadmead shopping center in the heart of Bristol. The team visited the suburb of Clifton Village, lensing shots in Miles Morgan Travel in Princess Victoria Street and Berkeley Square. Several sequences have been lensed in the Arts and Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol, a significant community library at 5 Tyndall Avenue in the city.
In May 2021, the cast and crew members were spotted near the Grain Barge, a unique pub on a moored boat on Hotwells Road. Another filming location in the Clifton area is Windsor Court, an upscale community at Victoria Terrace in Hotwells. A portion of the series is filmed in Armada House, a 14-story skyscraper in Dove Street in downtown Bristol. Several underpasses and streets in the city stand in for production sets, including Colston Street and Colston Avenue, Redcliffe Hill Underpass, and Temple Way Underpass.
In addition to Lucky Lane in Southville, the team uses parts of the St George neighborhood, such as the Avonview Cemetery and Sunny Bank street. Some of you may recognize several pubs and eateries in town, including The George Inn, The Oldbury Court Inn, and The Giant Goram pub. However, the latter closed down in 2019 amidst local discontent.
Several scenes have been taped in St Bede’s Catholic College, a secondary school at Long Cross in Lawrence Weston. The series even features some landmark locations in Bristol, including the Wills Memorial Building Tower and the former Bank of England Building along Wine Street.
You may even notice St. Nicholas Street in a few shots, which is situated in the historic Old City of Bristol. In May 2021, a mock protest was staged to aid filming in the College Green Center near Bristol Hippodrome. Pivotal scenes have been shot in the suburb of St Paul’s, particularly on Moon Street, Brighton Street, and Little Bishop Street. Other parts of Bristol that appear in the show are Park Street, Stokes Croft, and the upscale Highmore Gardens area within the Lockleaze ward.
Read More: Is The Outlaws Based on A True Story?
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