Peacock’s ‘Angelyne’ is a limited series that follows the story of the eponymous Los Angeles icon, who became famous for her appearance on billboards around town. During the 1980s and 1990s, Angelyne becomes increasingly popular, leading to interest from journalists and talk show hosts who are especially intrigued by her hidden past. When an article revealing Angelyne’s childhood is subsequently published, she remains mum on many of the details it provides.
The series is inspired by the story of the real-life Angelyne, who became an LA icon largely because of her strategically placed billboards. Apart from the iconic hoarding on Sunset boulevard, the series also depicts a particularly imposing, 10-story high portrait of the pink-clad star. Considering Angelyne was known for her visage being displayed around town, many of the billboards depicted in the show actually existed, like the all-important one on Sunset Boulevard. But what of the 10-story painting of her? Here’s what happened to it.
Where Was Angelyne’s 10-Story High Portrait Located?
Before she became the “billboard queen,” Angelyne was part of her then-boyfriend’s band called Baby Blue. Following this, she began a solo music career, and it was around the time that she was trying to promote her self-titled album that she met Hugo Maisnik, who would eventually become her very first manager. With Maisnik’s help, billboards featuring Angelyne began to appear across the city and at one point, numbered more than 200! The pivotal sign on Sunset Boulevard was put up in 1984 and was actually the popular icon’s first billboard.
By 1987, a more ambitious project was commissioned, and an art piece featuring Angelyne was put up in a prominent LA location. The 85 feet high mural of Angelyne on the hood of her car was allegedly funded by her manager and cost $22,000. Its location was also an iconic one, and the art piece occupied the south side of the Hollywood Plaza Hotel on Vine Street in downtown Los Angeles.
Angelyne’s portraits around town became so popular that they remained cult references for years. Apart from appearing in the 1997 action thriller ‘Volcano,’ her billboards were also featured in the opening montage of ‘Moonlighting’ and were even referenced in popular shows like ‘The Simpsons.’ While a “previous manager” papered Hollywood with relatively modestly sized 2-by-3-foot posters of Angelyne, Maisnik took on more ambitious signage and began buying up billboards around town. Thus, larger and larger depictions of the local celebrity began showing up, inciting widespread curiosity.
Does the Portrait Still Exist?
The 10-story high portrait of Angelyne on the side of the Hollywood Plaza Hotel has long since disappeared, as have her billboards. Apparently, the mural billboard went against the city’s visual pollution ordinance at the time. The artist who painted it was cited for failing to get the approval of the Cultural Affairs Commission. Though it remains unclear exactly when the mural was taken down, it appears that it wasn’t there for very long. However, it has since been immortalized in a number of photographs because of its scale and location.
Read More: Is Angelyne Married? Does She Have Kids?