Directed by John Singleton, ‘Four Brothers’ is a crime drama movie that follows the life of four adopted brothers – Bobby Mercer, Angel Mercer, Jeremiah Mercer, and Jack Mercer – and their adoptive mother, Evelyn Mercer. After Evelyn is murdered in a grocery store robbery, the four brothers unite to get to the bottom of the crime as they suspect that it was not a random killing. Upon further investigation, they find out some hideous activities of one of the brothers’ business dealings with a hooligan. While they are chasing the truth, they are trailed by two cops who may not be what they appear to be.
The film stars a talented ensemble of actors, including Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André 3000, Garrett Hedlund, and Fionnula Flanagan. ‘Four Brothers’ keeps the audience curious, not only with its suspenseful narrative but also with the backdrops of the ghetto and hoods. Now, if you find yourself wondering about the sites that serve as filming locations for the crime drama movie, allow us to enlighten you.
Four Brothers Filming Locations
‘Four Brothers’ was primarily filmed in Canada and the USA, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area, Michigan, and Missouri. The principal photography for the Mark Wahlberg-starrer reportedly began on July 10, 2004, and concluded on August 12, 2004. The versatile nature of the landscape in the Greater Toronto Area played a significant role in the production of the movie, which is largely set in Detroit, Michigan. Here are all the details about the filming locations!
Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Ontario
A majority of the filming for ‘Four Brothers’ took place in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The cast and crew spent most of their time in Hamilton and Toronto to film the bulk of the movie. First, let’s talk about the places that serve as a backdrop in the city of Hamilton. G & S Laundromat, located at 443 Wentworth Street North, doubles up as the convenience store, where Evelyn gets gunned down. To film the sequences involving the house where the four brothers stay, the crew went to 10 Keith Street in Hamilton. The property that served as their home seemingly burned down soon after the shoot.
Toronto is another place where most of ‘Four Brothers’ was lensed. Design Exchange – located at 234 Bay Street – doubles up as the office where the brothers meet with their lawyer. On the other hand, the scene where the lawyer is accosted at his house is filmed in Forest Hill. For the purpose of shooting some bar scenes, the production team went to Grossman’s Tavern, which is a highly-rated bar located at 377 Spadina Avenue. Close to this bar, there is Horseshoe Tavern at 370 Queen Street West, which serves as a filming site for the pool scene.
The scene where the four brothers show up in the middle of a basketball game was shot at Bathurst Heights Secondary School in the city of Toronto. The building is now the John Polanyi Collegiate Institute. In addition, you may recognize St. John’s Norway Cemetery and Crematorium in the funeral scene. It is situated at 256 Kingston Road. Moreover, the crew members were also spotted taping several scenes in and around Toronto, including Etobicoke, West Hill, Junction Gardens, and The Beaches.
To shoot a few sequences for the movie, the production team also traveled to the township of King City in King as well as to Mississauga. Over the years, the GTHA has been a prominent production location for many movies and TV shows such as ‘American Psycho,’ ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ‘Schitt’s Creek,’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’
Detroit, Michigan
Some of the opening scenes for the movie were filmed at a couple of Detroit landmarks. One of them is Cass Technical High School a.k.a. Cass Tech at 2501 2nd Avenue, while the other one is the Michigan Central Station at 2001 15th Street. Also known as the “Motor City,” Detroit has served as a filming site for quite a few movies, including the Eminem-starrer ‘8 Mile‘ and ‘Transformers.’
Kansas City, Missouri
In addition, the production seemingly captured some establishing shots at Kansas City. Apart from being famous for its fountains, jazz heritage, and barbecue, it is quite popular as a filming site. Many movies, such as ‘American Honey‘ and ‘Sicko,’ were shot in the city.
Read More: Best Mark Wahlberg Movies
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