Based on the long-running eponymous British show, ‘Love Island’ is a reality TV series that follows a group of singles, referred to as Islanders, as they share a bond with each other in hopes of finding love, friendship, or any bond to last longer on the show. After several recouplings and vote-based eliminations, the couple who manages to entertain the viewers and get their support simultaneously takes the grand prize of $100,000.
As many of you might have guessed from the reality show’s title, the dating series‘ filming usually takes place on exotic islands where the islanders spend their time together in a villa, with no contact from the outside world. However, you might be wondering if that’s the case when it comes to season 4. If you are curious to learn more details about the fourth iteration’s production, allow us to share what we know about the same!
Love Island USA Season 4 Filming Locations
‘Love Island USA’ season 4 is seemingly filmed entirely in California. This means that the production team strays away from the reality show’s central idea of shooting on an island. Nonetheless, the contestants or islanders stay at a luxurious villa and try to find connections with each other, just like in previous installments. Now, let’s take a closer look at the specific locations that appear in the fourth iteration of the dating reality show!
All the pivotal sequences for season 4 of ‘Love Island’ US are supposedly lensed in California, a state in the Western United States. The villa that the islanders stay in this season is located somewhere along the coast of California. So, even though the recording doesn’t take place on an island, the show still maintains the sunny and beachy vibes we expect. Moreover, the new villa is rather spacious, with fun features like a swimming pool, fire pit, a secret hideaway, and tree house, as well as a youthful decor to match the contestants’ energy.
California is known for its diverse geography as it ranges from the Pacific Coast in the west to the Sierra Nevada mountains in the east and from the forests in the northwest to the desert in the southeast. When it comes to the economy of the state, it ranks among the largest in the world. Some major sectors responsible for employment in California are transportation, trade, education, professional and business services, and hospitality.
The Golden State is considered the home of Hollywood as it has had a significant impact on global entertainment over the years. Not only that, but California is also known for the origin of beach and car culture, hippie counterculture, and the personal computer, to name a few. Besides ‘Love Island’ US season 4, the state has served as a prominent production location for different movies and TV shows. Some notable ones include ‘Inception,’ ‘Heat,’ ‘Iron Man,’ ‘The Big Lebowski,’ ‘Arrested Development,’ and ‘Boy Meets World.’
Read More: Is Love Island Real or Scripted?
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