Paramount+’s ‘Rabbit Hole’ is an action thriller series created by John Requa and Glenn Ficarra (‘This is Us‘). Starring Kiefer Sutherland (’24’) as John Weir, the narrative explores the world of deceptive corporate espionage. John’s life turns upside down after he is framed for the murder of Edward Homm. However, as John evades the FBI and tries to prove his innocence, the mystery around Homm’s death intensifies. Naturally, viewers must be curious to learn more about Homm’s mysterious death. In that case, here is everything you need to know about Edward Homm in ‘Rabbit Hole.’ SPOILERS AHEAD!
Edward Homm: US Treasury Officer in Rabbit Hole
Edward Homm is introduced in the series premiere episode of ‘Rabbit Hole.’ He is a US Treasury officer who gets caught up in one of John Weir’s schemes. Actor Rob Yang plays the role of Edward Homm in the series. Yang is a Korean-American actor who made his screen debut in 2007 with the crime drama series ‘Law & Order: Criminal Intent.’ He is arguably best known for his role as Lawrence Yee on the HBO drama series ‘Succession.’ Some viewers might recognize the actor as Logan Kim on the medical drama series ‘The Resident.’ Yang’s other credits include films such as ‘The Menu,’ ‘Glass,’ and ‘The Kitchen.’
In the first episode, protagonist John Weir (Kiefer Sutherland) meets his former business partner Miles Valence (Jason Butler Harner). Valence offers John a job as per his client Luxbrant’s requirement. The company is facing an investigation for employing child laborers. As a result, the company wants to depict that their competitor, Banomar Group, caused the investigation. John is tasked with obtaining proof of Banomar Group being in cahoots with the US Treasury. Hence, John and his associates execute a plan to click pictures of Homm and Denna Heinrich, the CEO of Banomar Group. However, after completing the assignment, Homm is murdered, and John is framed for killing the US Treasury officer.
Edward Homm is Alive in Rabbit Hole
In the final act of the first episode, Homm is declared dead. A news broadcast confirms his death, and John is framed for the murder. Later, John goes to Valence’s office and demands answers. It is revealed that John had agreed to kill Homm as a part of the assignment. However, he kept it a secret from his associates. Nonetheless, Homm’s death was supposed to be covered up. Instead, it was leaked to the media, and John is blamed for the crime.
Moreover, Valence jumps from his office and dies by suicide, further implicating John in the crime. As a result, John is forced to go on the run and hides inside his childhood home on the outskirts of New York City. However, inside the house, we see a John is keeping a man hostage. The man is revealed as none other than Homm. Ultimately, Homm is alive, which clarifies to the viewers that John is innocent.
However, Homm’s survival creates a mystery about John’s true motivations. John accepted the task of killing Homm but spared his life. John can easily prove his innocence by setting Homm free. However, John is likely keeping Homm hostage to figure out who is framing him for murder. Hence, it is safe to say that Homm is merely a pawn in a larger scheme and will likely play an important role in leading John to the mysterious forces trying to destroy him.
Read More: What Happened to John’s Father? How Did He Die in Rabbit Hole? Theories
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