Abe Forsythe’s comedy-drama show ‘Wolf Like Me’ returns with an exciting new season that delves into the lives of Mary, Gary, and Emma as they await a new addition to their family. After crossing paths with each other literally by accident, Gary (Josh Gad) and Mary (Isla Fisher) somehow fit perfectly into each other’s lives despite their respective baggage. Some— Gary’s fraught relationship with his daughter, Emma— are less unconventional than others— Mary’s actual monthly werewolf transformations.
Nevertheless, having overcome insurmountable odds together, Mary and Gary begin this season as a happy couple looking for new beginnings. Yet, Mary’s ever-looming lycanthrope issue continues to endanger their family’s happiness and safety. Thus, the second season charts a wild and relatable ride of the anxieties presented by Mary, Gary, and Emma’s unique situation. Here is everything you need to know about how it ends! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Wolf Like Me Season 2 Recap
The season opens with Mary’s grueling nightmare about a monster baby bursting out of her on her white-veiled wedding to Gary and instantly attacking its father. The dream provides a peek into Mary’s fears about her child’s upcoming birth. Her anxieties about the possibility of the kid being a wolf are so intense that she refuses to get an ultrasound, scared of what the doctor may find inside her. However, the same only increases her stress since she doesn’t know how to prepare for the future.
Meanwhile, Gary puts his hardened efforts into building the perfect basement for Mary in their new house, where they plan to move in together as one family. However, the man’s well-intentioned fancy basement with advanced accommodations only overwhelms Mary.
Still, Mary gains some confidence in her parenting when she stands up for Emma, who gets in trouble at school for confronting her friend, Abigail’s bully. The instance reminds Mary of her protective streak, and she decides to face life’s curveball head-on by getting an ultrasound.
However, the comfort that Mary gets from knowing there is a human baby inside of her quickly evaporates. Now, Mary starts worrying about the possibility of her giving birth on a full moon and hurting her human child as a wolf. As such, when the couple’s first full moon at their new house ends in a disaster after Gary accidentally opens the door to Mary’s basement, it does little to soothe Mary’s worries.
Furthermore, the terrifying interaction Gary has with Wolf-Mary affects their relationship adversely. Therefore, when Gary runs into another single parent, Abigail’s mother, after weird coincidences, it’s hard not to see that as a sign from the universe that perhaps Gary and Emma are safer alone. The ensuing argument that waits for Gary at home holds the same implication with Mary giving her boyfriend an out if her situation has become too much for him.
Yet, instead of taking the easy way out, Gary decides to go all in. The next morning, he proposes to Mary with her old basement door that he bought from the new house owners at an exorbitant price. The family returns to an easy groove—that is, until Anton, a mystery Chicagoan man from Mary’s past, appears at her surprise baby shower. As it would turn out, shortly after Mary turned into a werewolf, she sought answers and comfort from Anton, her former university professor, and unwittingly turned him through a bite.
As such, Anton has reached out to have her by his side. However, due to his timing, Mary ends up having to drag him with her to the basement as the full moon comes out. In their animal forms, Mary and Anton have intercourse throughout the night while Gary has to remain on the other side of the door.
Although the situation causes a rift between the couple, they both come to their senses after Gary debilitates that Mary really had no control or memory of her actions as a wolf. Ultimately, the couple deals with the Anton issue. Nonetheless, a brand new one arises when Gary’s sister-in-law, Sarah, finally confronts the pair about their eccentric behavior.
Sarah demands answers but refuses to believe them when Emma shares the truth and tries to take the kid away from what she considers an unstable household. Worse yet, the situation’s immense pressure doubles when Mary’s water breaks, barely more than a day from a full moon.
Wolf Like Me Season 2 Ending: Is Mary’s Child a Human or a Wolf?
Throughout the season, Gary and Mary try to remain in control of the birthing process to ensure their child’s safety since Mary’s monthly transformations propose certain complications. For instance, Mary can’t undergo a Cesarean birth since the stitches will put her life at risk when she’s a wolf. Furthermore, the child cannot be born on the full moon because Mary worries she may try to eat her baby as a wolf.
In response, Gary tries to assure his partner that she has enough conscience as a wolf that she won’t hurt her family since she protected Gary and Emma in the outback all those months ago. Nonetheless, Mary’s worries persist. Therefore, when Mary’s water breaks a little more than 24 hours before the next full moon, it is as if her nightmares have come true.
The familial complication presented by Sarah comes to a halt as they drive Mary to the hospital. Nevertheless, even after 36 hours, Mary is nowhere near ready to give birth. Therefore, the doctor has no choice but to suggest a C-section. With the full moon on the horizon, Gary realizes that if the doctors deliver the baby and it turns into a wolf with the moon, the authorities will take the kid away from them.
Consequently, Gary and Emma end up having to sneak Mary out of the hospital so that she can give birth at home. On their way out, Sarah and her family notice them and, upon witnessing Mary’s half-transformations, realize Emma and her parents have been telling the truth. As such, they help Gary get Mary to safety by stealing an ambulance and driving them home. In the end, Mary reaches the safety of her basement as the moon comes up and gives birth alone in the empty room.
Gary watches his fiance go through the painful birthing process alone in her wolf form as she finally gives birth to their kid— a baby wolf. However, Mary’s too winded after the birthing to be able to go to her pup and only lies on the cold floor alone. So far, Gary kept insisting Mary won’t hurt her family and that she recognizes Gary and Emma even in her wolf form. As such, now, when wolf Mary needs him, Gary decides to enter the basement at Emma’s encouragement to be by his partner’s side.
As Mary lays exhausted on the floor, her fangs bared, Gary takes their child and brings it to Mary, letting the new mother know her baby is safe. As the three lie together in the basement, it becomes clear that Mary can recognize those she loves as a human or a wolf.
Does the Police Catch Mary and Gary?
The last time Mary recognized her family as a wolf was months ago during their camping trip when the family got stuck in the outback on the night of the full moon. Gary disclosed Mary’s secret to Emma for the first time inside their broken-down car as they tried to remain hidden from the she-wolf. Yet, trouble found them when two bandits tried to rob them by offering false helping hands.
As the two men, Jayden and Shane, got more aggressive, Mary emerged from the shadows in her wolfish form and killed both men, saving her family’s life. Although everyone moved on from the incident, it soon returns to haunt the couple. When Mary’s due date neared, Detectives called Gary in for questioning about Jayden and Shane’s deaths.
Although the men were confirmed to have died in an animal attack, Gary and his family’s presence in the outback near their deaths becomes a source of suspicion. Furthermore, in his effort to remain calm and collected, Gary ends up lying to the cops about the car model he went camping in. Since Gary’s blue car, the one Mary killed the men against, is in a pretty beat-up shape, the man figures Mary’s jeep is a safer alternative.
Nevertheless, the cops have reports of Gary calling the roadside services from the desert about a different car model. As a result, they know Gary is hiding something and follow him back to his house, where they discover his beat-up blue car. Furthermore, Mary reveals that the car has a gun in the glove compartment due to some horrible decision-making on her part.
While the couple escapes inexplicable questions after Mary’s untimely water break, they don’t stay out of the cops’ radar, who witness them running away from the hospital in a stolen ambulance. All things considered, Mary and Gary effectively become highly suspicious individuals to the cops, who likely believe they have something to do with Jayden and Shane’s deaths.
Consequently, the season ends with the cops arriving at the new parents’ home on the heels of Mary giving birth. While the police have no concrete evidence against Mary and Gary, they have plenty to be suspicious of. Not to mention, Mary and her child’s current werewolf forms will only bring up more questions. Thus, the show ends with the cops knocking on the protagonists’ door, leaving the viewers at a cliffhanger and setting the stage for a potential third season.
Read More: Is Wolf Like Me Based on a True Story?
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