‘Yellowstone‘ on Paramount Network follows John Dutton, the patriarch of the Dutton family, who owns and operates the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch in Montana. However, the Duttons are forced to fight several threats to protect their ancestral land. Family is an important theme on the show, and viewers must be aware that the Duttons will go to any extent for their loved ones.
In the series, Carter is a young cowboy who is loved by nearly all the Duttons, especially Beth and Rip. Therefore, viewers must be curious to learn if the couple has adopted the teenager. In that case, here are the answers to the possibility of Beth and Rip adopting Carter in ‘Yellowstone’ season 5! SPOILERS AHEAD!
A Chance Encounter: Carter Meets Beth at the Hospital
Carter first appears in the fourth season premiere episode, titled ‘Half the Money.’ In the series, actor Finn Little of ‘Those Who Wish Me Dead‘ portrays the role of Carter. He is an orphan who has recently lost his father. Carter meets Beth outside the hospital where John Dutton is recovering from his injuries. Beth feels bad for Carter after the teenager reveals that he has nowhere to go. As a result, she brings him to the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. Carter lives with Beth and Rip in the Dutton log cabin but struggles to grasp life on the ranch. Moreover, he receives a tough-love approach from Rip.
Eventually, he is sent to the bunkhouse and learns to work at the ranch under Rip and Lloyd. As time passes, Carter settles in at the ranch and develops a strong bond with Beth and Rip. Family patriarch John Dutton also takes a liking to the young boy and teaches him horse riding and the wisdom of life at a ranch. Carter is present during their wedding in the fourth season finale. In the fifth season, Carter continues living at the log cabin with Beth and Rip while developing into an amateur cowboy.
Carter’s Place at the Yellowstone Ranch
In the fifth season of ‘Yellowstone,’ Carter is still present at the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. He is involved in the day-to-day activities at the ranch and appears to have grown tougher while learning to perform more duties on the property. However, Rip continues to be strict with Carter. The third episode of season 5 reveals that Carter continues to live in the log cabin. Hence, it is evident that he is not just another ranch hand at the property, as they all occupy the bunkhouse. Moreover, Beth is extremely affectionate towards Carter and treats him like a son. Likewise, Rip also shares a friendly and loving dynamic with Carter inside the house.
Viewers must be aware that Beth cannot get pregnant due to an abortion she had during her teenage. However, she craves to be a mother explaining her affection towards Carter earlier in the fourth season. However, in the fourth season, Rip emphatically states that Carter can never be their son. Nonetheless, with time Carter seems to have won the hearts of Rip, Beth, and John. Hence, he is more like a surrogate son to Rip and Beth. His position in the family can be compared to Rip, who was taken in by John and treated like a surrogate son. However, he hasn’t been officially adopted by Rip and Beth.
Read More: Who is the Woman Beth Hit in Yellowstone? Why Did Beth Hit Her?
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