‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ is a comedy-drama film that focuses on the actions of US Congressman Charlie Wilson and his associates, whose efforts lead to the funneling of weapons and funds to support the Afghani mujahideen in their fight against invading Soviet forces during the Cold War. The 2007 film keeps the audience eager from start to end through its well-written and fast-paced screenplay.
Apart from the narrative, the compelling performances by a talented ensemble comprising Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Amy Adams, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, and more, elevate the overall appeal of the Mike Nichols directorial. Though deemed a little exaggerated at times, the characters and locations feel real throughout the story. But are the events portrayed in ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ real as well? Let’s find out!
Based on Reality: Chronicles Charlie Wilson’s Life
Yes, ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ is based on a true story. Written by veteran screenwriter Aaron Sorkin of ‘The West Wing’ fame, the biographical film is based on George Crile III’s eponymous biography of Congressman Charlie Wilson. In the film, Wilson (Tom Hanks) joins forces with Texan socialite Joanne Herring (Julia Roberts) and CIA Agent Gustav “Gus” Avrakotos (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in order to increase the budget of the covert operations taking place in Afghanistan and help the Afghani forces fight against the Soviet Union.
Their actions lead to what is now known as Operation Cyclone and a decisive victory for the United States during the Cold War. While the premise more or less makes it seem like Charlie Wilson was a responsible, law-abiding representative of the people, some reports suggest he seemingly had a gray side to him. The film does an excellent job of presenting it. Wilson is introduced to the viewers naked in a hot tub, surrounded by drugs, drinks, and exotic dancers.
“He was a notorious party boy [and] ladies man…” said Tom Hanks in an interview on NPR’s ‘Morning Edition.’ “He would not hide the fact that he was a Congressman; he would walk into Caesar’s Palace and say, ‘Hi, I’m Congressman Charlie Wilson from Texas. I’m supposed to be here for a big party up in the luxury suite.’”
With an introduction like that, Wilson may come off as somebody who only knows how to talk smoothly, but he is, in fact, part of two major foreign affairs and covert-ops committees. His sharp mind and grasp of global politics are evident from when he tells his secretary Bonnie Bach (Amy Adams) that “…it’s productive to know today’s news today” while reading the wire on the latest developments in Afghanistan.
While Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and Amy Adams each give an excellent performance in the film, it is Philip Seymour Hoffman who truly leaves a mark on the audience. As Avrakotos, Hoffman easily steals every scene he’s in – whether he’s breaking the glass of his boss’s office, shouting at the top of his lungs, or simply sitting in a meeting with a wry smile on his face.
Even though ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ is centered around a very serious subject that directly affects the lives of so many people, at the same time, it is also a commentary on those who sit behind gilded doors and manipulate events halfway across the world; Charlie Wilson easily influences his fellow politicians but doesn’t weigh the far-reaching consequences of his actions; Joanna Herring displays the power and influence wealthy people have over those who are responsible for entire countries, as she casually sets up a meeting between Wilson and Pakistan’s President as if she’s planning brunch the next day.
While the account of the events is more or less accurate, the film also took some creative liberties in the name of streamlined storytelling. For example, in the film, Pakistani President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq speaks only about fighting the Soviets and the lack of American support. But according to George Crile III, the author of Wilson’s biography, the discussion was all about India.
‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ also leaves out the roles played by the ISI, MI6, and Saudi Arabia in the successful initiation of Operation Cyclone. The omission of these details is understandable, however. It would be close to impossible to both cram all that information in the right order and stick to the original run time at the same time. Ultimately, Mike Nichols’ direction and Sorkin’s witty screenplay, combined with terrific performances by the cast, keep ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ from turning dull.
Read More: Where Was Charlie Wilson’s War Filmed?
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