The fifth season of ‘Yellowstone‘ on Paramount Network follows the Duttons as they face new challenges in protecting their ancestral Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. In the season, viewers also meet Abby (Lainey Wilson), a country musician who finds herself in Montana. As the narrative progresses, Abby meets Ryan, and romance blossoms between them. Even though they cherish their togetherness, unexpected developments in the ranch come between them, forcing them to reconsider the future of their companionship. As they reevaluate the fate of their relationship, viewers may find Wilson’s involvement in the show hanging by a thread! SPOILERS AHEAD!
The Ambiguous Fate of Abby and Ryan’s Relationship
Abby is introduced in the premiere episode of ‘Yellowstone’ season 5, titled ‘One Hundred Years Is Nothing.’ In the series, Abby is a country musician who travels from town to town performing at events. She arrives in Bozeman, Montana, after John Dutton is elected as the state’s Governor. She is one of the musicians performing at the Governor’s Ball on the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. Abby meets Ryan, and they quickly find themselves attracted to each other.
Ryan and Abby meet again at a local bar where the latter is performing in the third episode, titled ‘Tall Drink of Water.’ Soon, the duo starts dating, and Abby is also present during the cattle branding camp on the ranch. However, Abby hints that she is looking for a serious relationship but agrees to give Ryan time to prove his affection for her. In the seventh episode, titled ‘The Dream Is Not Me,’ the Dutton cattle suffer from brucellosis. As a result, Rip is forced to drive the cattle to a different ranch in Texas. He chooses Ryan to go with him, causing a rift between Abby and Ryan.
Lainey Wilson is Expected to Remain in Yellowstone
In ‘Yellowstone,’ real-life country singer Lainey Wilson essays the role of Abby. The singer gained popularity through her music but transitioned to acting with her recurring role in ‘Yellowstone.’ Her appearance in season 5 marks Wilson’s acting debut, and Abby’s relationship with Ryan has quickly become a fan-favorite element of the show. Furthermore, songs sung by Wilson are also featured in some episodes of season 5. However, at the end of the seventh episode, Ryan and Abby’s relationship is in limbo. In the episode’s final moments, Ryan explains his passion for ranching and life as a cowboy to Abby. While she understands Ryan’s sentiments, she is unwilling to wait for him to return.
However, it doesn’t mean that we have seen the last of Wilson in the Western drama. When asked about her return to the second part of the show’s fifth season, the singer-actress revealed that she hasn’t departed from the series yet. “I have a really good feeling that if they do finish things in a way that, you know, they’re planning, I will be back in it. We’ll see, they haven’t taken me to the train station yet,” Wilson told ET Online. The actress’ words indicate that Abby will remain a part of Ryan’s life despite him being asked to accompany Rip to Texas.
Read More: Are the Duttons Catholic?
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