Coming from the executive producer of the acclaimed show ‘Bling Empire,’ ‘My Unorthodox Life’ is also a Netflix original series. However, it revolves around the personal and professional experiences of Julia Haart. Even though she is the CEO of the model management agency Elite World Group today, over eight years ago, Julia was a member of an ultra-orthodox Jewish community in Monsey, New York.
As this nine-part show centers on how Julia raises her four children while sharing small details of how she transformed her life after leaving the ultra-Orthodox community and achieved the success she enjoys today, we get an insight into the difference between religion and fundamentalism. After all, Julia maintains that she’s spiritual and still a Jew; she just has an issue with unwavering extremities. So now, if you’re wondering if this show is real or scripted, we’ve got you covered.
Is My Unorthodox Life Real or Scripted?
Considering how ‘My Unorthodox Life’ bills itself to be a reality series, we have to say that it’s an unscripted documentary program. This production is actually pretty clever as it not only contains a core tale, but it follows it up by interpersonal drama, romance, and a whole lot of emotion – factors that are considered essential for a captivating spectacle. Coming back to the primary topic, though, Julia points towards it a lot and even states that her goal is to empower as many women as possible.
Whether in the fashion industry or otherwise, through her public presence and book, Julia wants to liberate females, she remarked. Yet, we have to say that despite all of the emotions, actions, and viewpoints of the cast members being as authentic as they could be, it often seemed as if their timings were orchestrated to entertain and enthrall the audience. Let’s be honest, producers of reality programs are known to do this in order to maintain engagement, but that doesn’t mean it’s fake.
A few examples of this are the simple arrangement of clips between Julia and her talent while discussing empowerment, abuse, business aims, and marketing tactics or using different kinds of music to indicate the contrast between dramatic and happy scenes. But again, that’s not scripted; that’s post-production magic. Other aspects that could’ve been pushed by producers are public scenes and interactions or important conversations when a few family members are together.
Nevertheless, everything in ‘My Unorthodox Life’ happened to the Haarts’ in real life. Aron is finding himself as a teenager, while Miriam actually launched an app and changed her last name. Shlomo has started dating, and Batsheva and her husband are exactly how they portray themselves. Furthermore, their father’s relationship with his new girlfriend was and still is very authentic, and everything Julia went through occurred in actuality. Most importantly, though, their amicable connections, despite their differences, are sincere.
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