Created by Ronnie Sandahl, Netflix’s Swedish crime series ‘The Helicopter Heist’ delves into the thrilling robbery of a well-guarded cash depot in the suburbs of Stockholm. The show delves into the events leading up to the heist and its aftermath, examining the story from the perspective of those involved in the intricate level. The exciting premise gets even more complicated as the case details emerge through the characters’ eyes and how they went about planning the mission without alerting the authorities. Although primarily poised as a suspenseful narrative, the show also embraces stylistic freedom while it dives into a tale brimming with emotions and intrigue of the highest caliber.
The Real-Life Inspiration of The Helicopter Heist
Originally titled ‘Helikopterrånet,’ ‘The Helicopter Heist’ is a semi-fictional portrayal of the Västberga helicopter robbery, which was turned into an eponymous novel by Jonas Bonnier. The show is penned by Ronnie Sandahl and delves into the events of the actual robbery case, which bamboozled authorities and became an infamous event in Swedish history. According to reports, the heist took place on September 23, 2009, when a group of robbers landed on the roof of a G4S cash service depot in Västberga in Stockholm, Sweden, using a Bell 206 helicopter. They stole millions of Kronors and absconded with the cash while authorities were forced to sit back because the robbers had employed tactics like decoy bombs to discourage any pursuit via police helicopters.
The case became a media sensation due to its highly meticulous nature, showcasing how the thieves were planned for a variety of eventualities. Roads had been spiked to prevent any police cars from chasing them, while during the robbery, they forced law enforcement back under the threat of submachine guns at their disposal. Therefore, it was a foolproof plan from a number of angles. Additionally, it also raised eyebrows for the audacious attempt by the gang to use a helicopter as their method of transport, making it Sweden’s first robbery to employ such a tactic. The cops eventually recovered the stolen helicopter a few miles away from Stockholm.
Although they had been on the back foot from the get-go, the authorities managed to piece together the events of the crime and arrested ten people in connection to the robbery. However, this was suggested to be only half of the people involved in the crime. Seven of the ten arrested were sentenced to prison in October 2010, while the other three were cleared of all charges. The robbery was said to be masterminded by Goran Bojovic, a man who was suspected of having links with the Serbian paramilitary unit, BIA Red Berets. A month prior to the heist, the Serbian authorities had allegedly sent a transmission to the Swedish embassy warning that a group of criminals were planning a robbery in Stockholm. The information was reportedly not acted upon diligently.
The Helicopter Heist Grounds its Spectacular Crime in its Character-Driven Moments
While adapting the true story behind the Västberga robbery, creator Ronnie Sandahl wanted to peel back the layers behind the people involved in the incident and the emotions of the high-stakes story. To that end, the show employs a fever pitch pace as it dives into one extraordinary event after another, layering its grand robbery in the intimate details surrounding each character. In an interview with Netflix, Sandahl stated, “I want to tell an epic robbery tale, about great dreams and even greater risks. A feverish, character-driven heist show about friendship, adrenaline, and hubris.” The edgy narrative unravels the larger-than-life aspects of the show through a more focused perspective, allowing every twist and turn to feel personal and emotionally engaging.
Time and again, ‘The Helicopter Heist’ remains consistent with its message of a subjective retelling, even deviating slightly from its central plotline to make it. Naturally, it offers a deeper look into camaraderie, family, brotherhood, and being a father, adopting an honesty in its storytelling that is refreshing even though large chunks of the narrative are grounded in a real-life crime. These personal moments help flesh out the narrative and provide more context to all the heightened aspects of the series, primarily revolving around the heist. As the story ticks forward, a real sense of urgency and suspense takes over, overriding any moments to breathe. Ultimately, these purely cinematic techniques and motifs help it feel more authentic and bring a taste of what being at the center of the Västberga robbery must have felt like.
Read More: Best Heist Movies on Netflix
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