The beloved superhero siblings from Hiddenville are gearing up for another triumphant return! Nickelodeon is developing an untitled spin-off series of the comedy series ‘The Thundermans.’ Kira Kosarin, Jack Griffo, and Maya Le Clark are set to reprise their roles from the original show. The filming of the spin-off show is scheduled to take place between July and December in Vancouver, British Columbia.
In this upcoming series, superhero siblings Max and Phoebe discover that their 12-year-old sister Chloe is struggling with the pressures and fame of being a hero. To help her cope with the pressure, they decide to take her on an undercover mission to a new town. In this new environment, Chloe must conceal her powers, allowing her to experience life as a normal kid for the first time.
The forthcoming show will also introduce two new characters. Kombucha, Chloe’s friend, is described as a “free-spirited, slightly crunchy girl” who lives with her parents in a yurt on the beach and grew up off the grid. As a result, she lives by befriending trees and using a crystal for every situation. Despite her whimsical persona, she is a good friend to Chloe — warm, loyal, and always up for an adventure.
Chloe and Kombucha form a friendship trio with Jinx, a “confident misfit who marches to his own drummer” with many conspiracy theories. He is an early adopter of the latest technology, making him a valuable asset to Chloe when he wanders into one of her missions. Because of his enthusiasm, Jinx is also accident-prone, despite possessing gazelle-like agility.
Jed Spingarn, who created the mothership series, serves as an executive producer of the spin-off, along with Sean Cunningham, Marc Dworkin, Kosarin, and Griffo. We are yet to find out whether Spingarn will be involved in the writing of the upcoming project. The rest of the cast and crew of the series remains undisclosed. The original series also featured Addison Riecke as Nora Thunderman, Diego Velazquez as Billy Thunderman, Chris Tallman as Hank Thunderman, and Rosa Blasi as Barb Thunderman. The mothership show, which premiered in 2013, ran for four seasons on Nickelodeon and was concluded in 2018.
The spin-off was preceded by Trevor Kirschner’s Paramount+ movie ‘The Thundermans Return,’ in which the Thundermans save Metroburg from meteors, only for a mishap to lead to their firing from the T-Force and return to Hiddenville. While the family adjusts, Max and Phoebe strive to regain their superhero status. They discover that the V-Team, children of imprisoned villains, are planning an evil scheme. Captured and tortured at “The Mayhem Cafe,” Max and Phoebe are eventually rescued by their family, who turn citizens into superheroes to help. After thwarting the V-Team’s plan to unleash destruction on Metroburg, the Thundermans are reinstated by Super President Kickbutt, with Hiddenville as their new headquarters. The movie concludes with a mysterious message to Dr. Colosso, hinting at future challenges that might be explored in this forthcoming series.
Vancouver is a new filming location for the franchise since both ‘The Thundermans’ and ‘The Thundermans Return’ were mainly shot in Los Angeles, California. This shift mirrors the trend of many productions flocking to British Columbia due to the province’s generous tax breaks and other filming incentives. Recently, Vancouver has been a bustling production hub for various projects, including the upcoming Paramount+ movie featuring the Nickelodeon superhero character, Henry Danger. Recent productions from the region include ‘Dead Boy Detectives‘ and Hulu’s ‘Under the Bridge.’
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