The sixth episode of Paramount+’s crime drama series ‘Tulsa King,’ titled ‘Navigator,’ revolves around the “sit-down” arranged by Don Charles “Chickie” Invernizzi. Dwight “The General” Manfredi and Bill Bevilaqua arrive in Atlanta, Georgia, to discuss a truce so that they can move forward with their business ventures and other affairs. Since his boss is away, Tyson Mitchell serves as a chauffeur to his father, Mark, whose van breaks down when he sets out to leave for work. Cal Thresher reveals his true intentions to Armand “Manny” Truisi after pretending to be his savior for a while. The episode ends with a brutal cliffhanger concerning Mark’s fate! SPOILERS AHEAD.
New York Gets Nothing
Dwight Manfredi and Bill Bevilaqua arrive in Atlanta for the sit-down and wait for Chickie Invernizzi, who gets detained in LaGuardia Airport, New York City, for carrying a pistol. Vince Antonacci decides to moderate the discussion without considering rescheduling it. Bevilaqua lets Dwight know that Tulsa is part of his empire based in Kansas City and that he cannot tolerate him showing up in the region out of the blue to dethrone him. The former Mafia capo counters him by asking whether he was even bothered about the place before his arrival. Irrespective of Dwight’s counter, Bevilaqua asks for a cut from the money the former is making from his operations in Tulsa.
Dwight is not particularly interested in entertaining the offer, as he feels that he is not obliged to do so. However, he realizes that two “neighbors” shouldn’t be at each other’s throats. To attain peace and partnership, he offers 15% of what he makes to Bevilaqua as a goodwill gesture. Knowing that the Kansas City man’s marijuana farms in Texas are struggling without enough irrigation, he also offers weed for $575 a pound. Bevilaqua accepts the deal, and the deadly conflict between them is settled. Vince asks them what New York will get from the deal, especially considering that Chickie sent him to Tulsa.
Dwight clarifies that New York will get nothing. He served twenty-five years in prison for the Invernizzi family members, who turned against him when he was released from incarceration. He doesn’t wish to offer any money to the same lot. Since Chickie is not a neighbor, he doesn’t see the need to offer any sort of goodwill gesture. Vince returns to New York empty-handed. Chickie asks him whether they rescheduled the meeting, only to learn that the sit-down happened in his absence. He gets severely unsettled when he learns that his plan didn’t benefit him and lashes out at his capo for filling Bevilaqua’s pocket.
Cal Thresher and Bill Bevilaqua Show Their True Colors
When the people he sends to thrash Dwight Manfredi’s new wind farm are injured, Cal Thresher is forced to accept defeat. Jackie Ming, his partner, is unhappy with how the businessman handles his men. He tells the latter that the injured gang is a sign of weakness that will affect their business. Thresher then meets Armand “Manny” Truisi, who finally understands why the businessman is helping him. The rancher informs the influential man that he cannot betray Dwight and pass information that will endanger him. He knows what the former Mafia capo can do and doesn’t want to deal with it.
However, Thresher cannot tolerate Manny deciding what he will or won’t do. The businessman threatens him, adding that he has enough men to harm him and leave his remains with his children. The threat works as Manny acknowledges that Thresher owns him. Jackie tells his partner that the latter shouldn’t rely on half-measures to deal with Dwight. He implies that the businessman should aim for the head and get it over with. After the discussion, the gangster talks to his associate about an unrevealed, highly confidential matter. Meanwhile, Bill Bevilaqua clarifies that he doesn’t intend to honor his deal with Tulsa’s new emperor.
Bevilaqua cannot accept the mere 15% of Dwight’s operations and make peace with the fact that the latter dethroned him in Tulsa. Especially after what happened with Caputo, he wants to retaliate despite their settlement. He also reveals that the marijuana deal he made is for his late associate’s widow rather than for himself. As Dwight’s enemies prepare for a deadly war, his daughter, Tina, learns how to use a gun. Mitch “the Stick” Keller teaches her how to shoot a firearm, and the two end up having a great time together. When the singer describes Tina as “beautiful,” it leaves an impression on the former Mafia capo, but he gets distracted by a call from Tyson, who buys his Navigator for Mark.
Mark Mitchell Pays the Price
Mark Mitchell has been struggling with his old van for a while. Several repairs later, the vehicle is not in good condition. When it doesn’t start, Tyson offers to take him to his workplace in Dwight Manfredi’s Navigator. The plumber loves the car’s features, especially the seat warmer. Tyson is glad to see his father happy while the latter is boiling his blood to feed the family. He buys the vehicle from his boss and gifts it to Mark, who is euphoric about the prospect of going to work every day in his new car. The next day, he happily leaves for work and opens the door of the vehicle, only for it to explode.
Mark may not have died, irrespective of the explosion. The blast happens before he enters the car. There is no sound of him starting the vehicle, which indicates that he may have survived the explosion. If he hadn’t entered the car, the blast must have thrown him away from the vehicle, saving his life. From what we understand, he seemingly hasn’t burned down inside the car, which will potentially be a relief to Tyson. He understands that the individual/group inside a white car that followed him the previous day is behind the attack. The people responsible are most likely Jackie Ming and his group.
The explosion can be a retaliation against Dwight after what he did to his men at the wind farm. Considering his ties with the Chinese underworld, he can easily arrange the blast with utmost discretion. Cal Thresher doesn’t seem to be involved in the plot since he hasn’t been explicitly violent as of now. The chances of Bevilaqua orchestrating the attack are also high, especially since the same happens after he clarifies that he won’t honor the deal he made with Dwight. He may have wanted to see Tyson dead after the former Mafia capo killed his right-hand man, Caputo.
Read More: Tulsa King: Is Even Higher Plane a Real Marijuana Store in Tulsa?
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