Netflix’s ‘1992’ revolves around a series of mysterious murders that all have two things in common: victims being burned alive and the presence of the Curro doll – the iconic mascot of the Expo ’92 in Seville, Spain – next to their bodies. The Spanish thriller show is told through the eyes of Amparo, a woman who loses her husband in a strange explosion and subsequently seeks out the answers to his death with the help of an alcoholic ex-cop, Richi. Created by Jorge Guerricaechevarría and Álex de la Iglesia, the intense serial killer drama centers on a heightened atmosphere and a tense cityscape gripped by paranoia and fear. As such, the dreary, rain-drenched backdrops add to the tale’s chilling nature and lend a feeling of intrigue that builds with every passing frame.
1992 Filming Locations
‘1992’ is filmed in a variety of locations in Spain, specifically the city of Seville and Madrid. The production team utilized the historic and diverse neighborhoods of the two cities to build a connective tissue between the real-life setting and their version of the same. The cities are home to several scenic attractions and locales that add an element of visual elegance, style, and flair to the moody investigative piece. By blending these disparate aspects, particularly the notion of a picturesque, Mediterranean urban neighborhood and a grisly murder mystery case, the crew juxtaposed two distinct elements while weaving them together uniquely. It captures the sense of urgency underlining the narrative and the integral nature of the environment in the overall equation.
Seville, Spain
A large portion of ‘1992’ is primarily shot in the neighborhoods of Seville, the capital city of Andalucía, Spain. It is a metropolitan area with numerous landmark attractions like the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See, Torre del Oro, Alcázar, Plaza de España, and River Guadalquivir. They offer a sense of historical weight that perfectly layers into the narrative themes of the Netflix series, which can even be found in the city’s breathtaking architecture. The building exteriors, shop fronts, and street design add even more gravitas and eye-catching distractions in a narrative brimming with intense psychological obstacles. Even though it may be dreary and sinister in its tone, a sense of color and eclectic diversity permeates throughout the story, which is brought to life in Seville’s many neighborhoods.
One of the overriding aspects of the series is its connection to the famous Seville Expo ’92 event, which took place in 1992. It was a celebration of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America after embarking on his voyage from Seville. The fair’s iconic mascot, the Curro, is represented in the narrative through a signature doll left by the serial killer in every murder he commits. For season 1, the crew likely utilized the same areas and neighborhoods where the Expo was held to recreate the same vibe in the story. It helps link the past with the present but also builds a greater degree of authenticity in a story where intrigue matters. Moreover, those connections to a real neighborhood only engender a deeper sense of anxiety, insecurity, and suspense.
Madrid, Spain
Filming for some of the dramatic scenes also takes place in Spain’s capital, Madrid. The historic region is known for its cultural heritage, artistic repositories, and a collection of elegant boulevards, parks, palaces, and vibrant community. Its urban diaspora places a greater emphasis on density and closeness, which is reflected quite succinctly in ‘1992.’ One of the notable establishments marking the city’s breathtaking skyline is the Royal Palace of Madrid, where the Spanish royal family resides. It adds a regal weight and prestige to the area and profoundly impacts the few scenes lensed in the neighborhood, even if on a subconscious level. The city has previously hosted the production of films and shows like HBO’s ‘Euphoria,‘ Netflix’s ‘Money Heist,‘ and ‘Pan’s Labyrinth.’
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