Created by Julie Gearey, Sky One’s ‘Intergalactic’ is a science fiction television series that follows a galactic pilot and rookie cop Ash Harper who lives on the future Earth, the socio-political structures of which are drastically distinct from the 21st century. The people are no longer governed by different states but come under the jurisdiction of a future society called Commonworld. When Ash is falsely imprisoned, she finds herself with a fierce crew of female prisoners who end up hijacking the high-security spaceship in pursuit of their freedom.
The nerve-wracking drama and action that unfold are filmed at locations that perfectly mimic the futuristic world that is imagined by the show’s creators. In case you are mesmerized by some of the shots and find yourself curious about the filming locations of the series, you have come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know.
Intergalactic Filming Locations
‘Intergalactic’ is filmed entirely in some cities in Spain and the United Kingdom. Located on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, Spain offers a geographically diverse multicultural shooting destination for filmmakers around the world. Its film industry has a rich history, and over the years, movies like ‘Volver’ ‘Verónica,’ ‘Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed,’ ‘The Orphanage’ and ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ have managed to draw the attention of viewers from different countries towards the Spanish film industry.
On the other hand, United Kingdom is an influential global cultural center that changed the history of cinema in the twentieth century. Two of the highest-grossing film franchises – ‘Harry Potter‘ and ‘James Bond,’ were both produced on the island nation. Filming for ‘Intergalactic’ is done in several locations in these two countries, so let’s learn more about them!
Manchester, United Kingdom
The principal shooting for the science fiction television series is done in Manchester, England. The filming reportedly began in October 2019. Most of the indoor scenes were filmed at Space Studios Manchester, which is located just 5 minutes from Piccadilly Train Station in West Gorton in North West England. The 17 acres studio with six acoustically treated stages is made especially for film and television production.
It also offers prop storage, makeup, and dressing facilities, super-fast Wifi, secure parking to ensure that the shooting goes smoothly. Television shows filmed in the studio include ‘The Bay,’ ‘The Stranger,’ ‘Little Birds,’ ‘World On Fire,’ and ‘Devs.’
Valencia, Spain
A part of the shooting for ‘Intergalactic’ is also done in Valencia. Located on Spain’s southeastern coast, the city is famous for its beautiful beaches, mesmerizing architecture, food, and culture. Some scenes in the series are shot in The City of Arts and Sciences or Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, which offers several futuristic architectural structures such as an interactive museum, an oceanarium (the largest in Europe), and a planetarium, which make it an ideal location for filming a futuristic science fiction show like ‘Intergalactic.’
Andalucía, Spain
Many essential scenes in ‘Intergalactic’ are also filmed in the autonomous community of Andalucía, located in the southernmost part of the country. The Gorafe mountains and desert in the province of Granada also serve as a filming site for the show.
Filming also occurs at the Tabernas Desert, a semi-arid desert located within the southeastern province of Almería, Andalucía. In addition, Oasys theme park, also known as Mini Hollywood, also serves as a major shooting site for the space-themed series. Located near Tabernas in Almería, the Spanish Western-styled theme park is famous for hosting productions like ‘The Good, The Bad and the Ugly’ and ‘Doctor Who’, among several others.
Madrid, Spain
Madrid, the capital and most populous city of Spain, is one of the places where the show is shot. A popular tourist and film production destination, the city boasts a significant influence on global education, entertainment, politics, science, media, and fashion.
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