Based on a webtoon of the same name, ‘Hellbound’ is a South Korean fantasy drama streaming series directed by Yeon Sang-ho. The show centers upon the supernatural Executors of Hell who pass righteous judgment on people and condemn them to hell. Their sudden appearance led to the rise of the religious group named the New Truth Movement that believes in divine justice but has sinister plans for the Earth’s future. The bone-chilling execution of people is shot in public places with targets running for their life from supernatural monsters, often in modern-day city streets with heavy traffic.
If the atmospheric tension of the investigation launched against the New Truth Movement has caught your attention, or you are just terrified by some of the brutal killings and now wish to learn more about the show’s production, you have come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about the filming locations of ‘Hellbound.’
Hellbound Filming Locations
The Netflix series is filmed entirely in South Korea. The East Asian country is renowned for its highly-advanced technologies, hilly countryside, K-pop industry, and sub-tropical islands. The production of the inaugural season commenced in September 2020 and wrapped up in the region on January 18, 2021. Curious to learn more about the filming? Allow us to be your guide.
Seoul, South Korea
The principal photography of ‘Hellbound’ takes place on location in Seoul. Many of the scenes are filmed on the streets of the metropolis with characters running for their lives. The capital city is home to Gyeongbokgung Palace, Jogyesa Temple, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, awe-inspiring modern skyscrapers, and other religious locations.
Apart from being the technological hub and a major economic driving force in South Korea, Seoul is also one of its sought-after film and television shows production locations. Movies and shows like ‘Squid Game,’ ‘Parasite,’ ‘Train to Busan,’ ‘Oldboy,’ ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron,’ ‘Star Trek Beyond,’ and ‘The Bourne Legacy’ were all shot in the city.
Iksan, South Korea
Filming for ‘Hellbound’ also takes place in Iksan, a major city located in North Jeolla Province of South Korea. While the majority of the shooting is done in the hi-tech city of Seoul, Iksan is also a key filming location of the Netflix production. Spread over an area of about 507 kilometers square, the city is home to well over 300,000 citizens.
Reputed educational institutions like Wonkwang University, Jeonbuk National University, Won Buddhism Graduate School, and Wonkwang Health Science College are located in the region. Iksan regularly hosts several festivals such as the 10,000,000 Chrysanthemum Festival, Iksan Jewelry Expo, Seodong Festival, and Stone Culture Festival to honor its tradition and culture that goes back hundreds of years in the past. Owing to its booming jewelry industry, Iksan is known as the City of Jewels and is also home to The Iksan Jewelry Museum.
Read More: Best Korean Dramas in Netflix
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