Created by Park Jin-kyung and Moon Sang-don, Netflix’s ‘Zombieverse’ is a South Korean comedy horror reality TV series that follows a group of survivors who find themselves in a setting full of blood-thirsty zombies. As they get chased around, the contestants must work together to survive their bites and search for food, shelter, water, and transport to stay away from the dead ones’ clutches. There is one way for the contestants to gain additional and important supplies to survive the zombie apocalypse — every day, the contestants must complete the given tasks in time.
However, if any of the contestants are bit by any of the walking zombies, they must be left behind by the rest of the contestants. The star-studded cast of the reality show features the likes of Lee Si-young, Ro Hong-chul, Park Na-rae, and Dex. Since the show is set in the heart of South Korea’s capital Seoul, the audience is bound to wonder if the shooting also takes place on location in Seoul. Well, if you have the same curiosity, allow us to get rid of it by providing you with all the details!
Zombieverse Filming Locations
‘Zombieverse’ is filmed in its entirety in South Korea, particularly in Seoul. Given the nation’s vastness and versatility, South Korea makes for a suitable filming site for different kinds of productions, including reality shows such as ‘Zombieverse.’ Now, let’s not waste any time and get a detailed account of all the specific locations where the contestants fight against zombies for their survival in the Netflix series!
Seoul, South Korea
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Zombieverse’ are lensed in and around the capital and largest metropolis of the Republic of Korea — Seoul. The production team seemingly sets up camp in a multitude of locations, including the backlot of one of the film studios that serve as some of the popular Seoul landmarks, supermarkets, malls, and other establishments across the Seoul Special City. Some of the film studios situated in South Korea are Dexter Studios, Goyang Aqua Studio, Busan Cinema Studios, and Studio Cube.
The modern and historical architecture that Seoul is popular for seemingly appears in the backdrop of various scenes throughout the show. You might be able to spot Seongsan Bridge, Gangnam District, Gyeongbokgung Palace, Cheonggyecheon, and Gyeongdong Market. Seoul and some other South Korean locations have also hosted the production of a number of other zombie-related shows and reality shows, such as ‘All Of Us Are Dead,’ ‘Kingdom,’ ‘Physical: 100,’ and ‘Single Infernos.’
Read More: Best TV Shows About Zombies
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