Based on the eponymous character from Marvel Comics, ‘Ms. Marvel’ is a superhero action-adventure series created by Bisha K. Ali. It is the seventh TV series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The narrative revolves around teenager Kamala Khan, a big fan of the Avengers, especially Captain Marvel. Being an imaginative girl, she struggles to fit in at school with the other kids and sometimes even inside the four walls of her home. However, when she discovers that she has polymorphous powers, her life gets turned upside down for the better.
As Kamala’s imagination about being a superhero turns into reality, there is a stark change in the pace, vibe, and backdrops of the series. Apart from the high school scenes, the action-packed sequences also intrigue the viewers just the same. This raises questions in fans’ minds about the actual locations that create the setting for the superhero series. Well, allow us to fill you in on the details regarding the same!
Ms. Marvel Filming Locations
‘Ms. Marvel’ season 1 was filmed in the US and Thailand, specifically in Georgia, New Jersey, California, and Bangkok. The production title for the series was ‘Jersey,’ and filming took place in different parts in different locations. The principal photography for the series commenced in November 2020 and wrapped up in May 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the authorities divided the 450 cast and crew members into three groups as a precautionary measure. In addition, animations were used to portray Kamala’s vivid daydreams better to let the viewers inside her world and give them an immersive experience of her fantasies. Now, let’s traverse the specific locations that appear in the superhero series!
Metro Atlanta, Georgia
The production team began the filming process for the inaugural season of ‘Ms. Marvel’ in Metro Atlanta, located in the state of Georgia. Specifically, they utilized the facilities of the Trilith Studios, just south of the city of Atlanta. Located at 461 Sandy Creek Road in Fayetteville, the studio was originally known as Pinewood Atlanta Studios. The studio houses 24 different stages with many options for size and function, allowing filmmakers to choose the one that meets their specific requirements.
The studio and some other locations across the metropolitan area seemingly stand in for Jersey City (Kamala Khan’s hometown) and the fictional local convenience store named Circle Q. The cast and crew returned to Atlanta to tape some leftover scenes in May 2021 and then again between January 2022 and February 2022 to complete the reshoots.
Jersey City, New Jersey
To film several pivotal sequences set against the backdrop of Jersey City, the cast and crew members of ‘Ms. Marvel’ use the actual city. The scene where Kamala is seen sitting atop a light pole, with the Hudson River and the New York City skyline in the background, was supposedly recorded on location in the city.
Los Angeles, California
Some portions of the first season of ‘Ms. Marvel’ were further recorded in the South Californian city of Los Angeles (LA). Popularly known as the City of Angels, LA is famous for its ethnic and cultural diversity, Mediterranean climate, ties to the Hollywood industry, and posh neighborhoods. When it comes to Hollywood, LA is considered a prominent hub of the film and TV industry. Some notable movies and TV shows that have been taped in the city are ‘Everything, Everywhere All at Once,’ ‘Father Stu,’ and ‘The Flight Attendant.’
Bangkok, Thailand
For shooting purposes, the production team even traveled to Bangkok, the capital and most populous city of Thailand. Apart from shooting some exterior sequences in and around the city, they moved a bit east of Bangkok to The Studio Park Thailand to film several pivotal sequences for the first season of the superhero series.
Located at 999 Moo 3 in the Bang Bo District of Samut Prakan, the studio is home to 5 purpose-built soundstages, a backlot, an integrated workshop, a warehouse, VIP rooms, and private spaces to support different kinds of productions. Although there were some strict COVID-19 protocols at the time of production, ‘Ms. Marvel’ managed to get a pass from the Thai government to keep filming in the country throughout April and May 2021.
Read More: Best Marvel TV Series on Hulu
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