‘The Edge of Seventeen’ is a coming-of-age comedy-drama that follows a tumultuous period in a high-school student’s life. Nadine finds her life unraveling when her friend and closest confidante begins dating her brother. The film touches on aspects of teenage friendship, love, and mental health and depicts a heartfelt glimpse into the emotional burdens carried by the protagonist and those around her. It is set mainly in her home, high school, and nearby parts of the city, where the events of the story unfold. Curious about where ‘The Edge of Seventeen’ was filmed? You’ve come to the right place.
The Edge of Seventeen Filming Locations
The film was mainly shot in Vancouver, with some filming during the latter half of the production schedule taking place in California. Set in Oregon, several locations in the Great White North were used as stand-ins for the film: Principal photography began on October 21, 2015, and wrapped up in the first week of December 2015. Let’s take a closer look at the film’s specific filming locations.
Metro Vancouver, British Columbia
The production team spent considerable time filming indoor and outdoor scenes at multiple locations in the Metro Vancouver area (also known as Greater Vancouver). A private residence on Connaught Drive and West 37th Avenue in the city of Vancouver was used to film several scenes, as was the Playland amusement park at 2901 East Hastings Street. Duffin’s Donuts, a local favorite, also features in the film and is located at 1391 East 41st Avenue.
The shooting also took place in Vanier Park at 1000 Chestnut Street. The film is set in Portland, Oregon, and many of the locations were used as stand-ins for the city. Lakewood High School in the movie is actually Guildford Park Secondary School, located at 10707 146 Street in the nearby city of Surrey in the Metro Vancouver area. Filming also took place near the Guildford Town Centre at 10355 152 Street and the Fraser Highway outlet of the A&W chain of fast-food restaurants.
Parts of the film’s conciliatory ending, which finds Nadine beginning to repair bridges with her old friend and forging new connections vis a vis Erwin at the film festival, was shot at the Inlet Theater in Port Moody. The theatre is located at the Port Moody Civic Centre at 100 Newport Drive.
The historic fishing village of Steveston in the nearby city of Richmond is also featured in the movie, as is the Crestwood Corporate Centre in Richmond, located at 13575 Commerce Parkway. Another house, located on Dundas Street in the city of Burnaby, was also seemingly used for filming multiple scenes.
Anaheim, California
The city of Anaheim, located just outside Los Angeles, California, was also briefly used for filming in the latter half of the filming schedule of ‘The Edge of Seventeen’. The city is known for being the site of the world-famous Disneyland Parks and Resort. The original Disneyland Park (then named just Disneyland) is the only park completed under the direct supervision of the iconic Walt Disney.
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