Created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, Amazon Prime’s ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel‘ is a period comedy-drama series that revolves around a housewife named Miriam “Midge” Maisel who discovers her talent for stand-up and comedy and decides to pursue it. The fifth and final season picks up right after the events of the fourth season’s finale. It sees Midge get one last chance to turn her dreams into reality and achieve stardom. Although she finds herself a few steps away from her dreams and closer than ever to success, she might find out that closer than ever is still far away for her.
Starring Rachel Brosnahan, Michael Zegen, Alex Borstein, Tony Shalhoub, and Marin Hinkle, the fifth season of the comedy show takes us back in time again, just like the previous rounds, as Midge navigates the stand-up comedy scene in mid-20th century New York. The era’s costumes and the aptly redecorated NYC locales make the viewers interested to learn about the filming sites of ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ season 5. Luckily, we have gathered all the information that you might require!
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5 Filming Locations
‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ season 5 was filmed in New York, particularly in New York City. According to reports, the principal photography for the final season of the period series commenced in February 2022 and wrapped up in early November of the same year. So, let’s explore all the specific locations that were made to look the part for the fifth iteration of the Amazon Prime series, shall we?
New York City, New York
Like the previous seasons, most of ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ season 5 was lensed in and around New York City, with the production team redecorating various streets and sites across the city to make them apt for the period show. The neighborhood and residential planned community of Battery Park City in NYC’s Manhattan borough served as a prominent production location for the fifth season.
Rachel Brosnahan and the rest of the crew were spotted dressed in their respective costumes as they recorded several pivotal sequences in different parts of Brooklyn, including Atlantic Avenue & Court Street. In late September 2022, locals and passersby also found them taping some key portions for the fifth season of ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ in Grand Central Terminal at 89 East 42nd Street. Apart from the train station, the filming unit utilized the premises of John F. Kennedy International Airport, specifically the TWA terminal, in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens.
Furthermore, the neighborhood of West Village in New York City’s Lower Manhattan borough appears in numerous portions of season 5. On top of it, several exterior scenes were lensed right outside Webster Hall at 125 East 11th Street in New York City. A few ice skating rink scenes were supposedly shot on location in one of the actual ice skating rinks in The Big Apple. Over the years, NYC has hosted the production of countless movies and TV shows. Some notable ones are ‘Green Book,’ ‘Welcome to the Dollhouse,’ ‘Succession,’ and ‘Wellmania.’