HBO’s ‘Succession‘ is a comedy-drama series that revolves around the Roy family led by the patriarch Logan Roy. After a decline in Logan’s health, a power struggle ensues in his family, including his three children, to replace their father as the CEO of Waystar RoyCo, a media conglomerate owned by the Roys. The fourth season premiere sees Logan and his children engage in a bidding war to acquire the Pierce Media Group (PMG), the competitor of Waystar, led by the bold and pragmatic Nan Pierce. Therefore, viewers must be curious to learn more about Nan and her desire to sell the company. In that case, here is everything you need to know about Nan Peirce’s Pierce Media Group in ‘Succession’ season 4! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Who Is Nan Pierce?
Nan Pierce first appears in the fifth episode of the second season, titled ‘Tern Haven.’ In the series, actress Cherry Jones plays the role of Nan Pierce. Jones began her acting career in 1986, and her credits include films such as ‘Erin Brockovich,’ ‘A Rainy Day in New York,’ and ‘The Sky Is Everywhere.’ The actress is known for her performance as President Allison Taylor in the action thriller series ’24’ and Holly Maddox in ‘ The Handmaid’s Tale.’ Some viewers might also recognize Jones as Joanna Klein from the crime drama series ‘Defending Jacob.’ Jones appears in two episodes of ‘Succession’ season 2 as Nan Pierce, the head of the Pierce family and the Pierce Media Group.
In the second season, Logan Roy (Brian Cox) attempts to purchase the Pierce Media Group. In the fifth episode, the Logans spend time with the Pierces to make a potential acquisition of PGM. However, Nan Pierce proves to be a tough negotiator, placing several demands in front of Logan as she disapproves of his business. Initially, Nan demands Logan choose his daughter Siobhan “Shiv” Roy (Sarah Snook), which leads to Logan backing out of the deal. However, Nan withdraws the demand leading to Logan resuming negotiations, only for Nan to back out of the deal after learning about the sexual assault allegations against the Waystar RoyCo-owned cruise line.
Cashing Out: Sells PMG to Roy Siblings Consortium
Pierce Media Group is one of the biggest competitors of the Waystar RoyCo, with Nan Pierce being a very open critic of the latter company’s business practices. Therefore, it is no surprise when the deal Logan and the Roys worked hard for falls through in the sixth episode of season 2, titled ‘Argestes.’ In the episode, Nan leaves after pulling out of selling PMG to Logan Roy. However, she returns in the fourth season premiere, titled ‘The Munsters.’ In the episode, Shiv learns that her husband, Tom Wambsgans (Matthew Macfadyen), had a dinner meeting with Naomi Pierce, one of Nan’s cousins and board members of PMG. Thus, she deduces that Nan likely wants to sell PMG.
Logan Roy is on the verge of selling his own company to Lukas Matsson, the CEO of GoJo. As a result, he wants to buy PMG so he can still have a global media conglomerate in his portfolio. On the other hand, Logan’s children, Shiv, Kendall, and Roman, band together to purchase PMG, as they want to start their own venture outside their father’s shadow. However, the exact reason Nan Pierce wants to sell PMG is not stated.
It is implied that Nan and the other Pierce family members want to cash out of their prized assets. Nan also no longer wants to deal with the complications and entanglements of running a family business. Therefore, the Pierce family decided to sell PMG for virtually the same reasons as the company was on sale in season 2 – to make money. Ultimately, Nan plays Logan and his children until she gets her desired deal and valuation, agreeing to sell PGM to Kendall, Shiv, and Roman’s consortium for $10 billion.
Read More: What Happened to Marcia Roy? Did She and Logan Roy Get a Divorce in Succession?
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