Directed by Richard LaGravenese, Netflix’s aptly titled comedy ‘A Family Affair’ centers around the unexpected romantic entanglements within a family. The story follows Zara (Joey King), who works as an assistant to the egotistical movie star Chris Cole (Zac Efron). Overwhelmed by his demands, Zara gives in and quits her job, only to find out that her widowed mother, Brooke (Nicole Kidman), has secretly started dating Chris. Accompanying Zara’s internal conflicts, the comedy also relies on an older woman-younger man romance.
The Netflix movie also features Kathy Bates as Leila Ford, Zara’s grandmother, who provides practical life lessons to bridge the gap between Zara and her mother. In order to connect its bedroom romance and familial warmth with the contrasting and luxurious world of an elitist superstar, ‘A Family Affair’ chose to rely on careful location scouting, which makes viewers wonder where the feel-good yet chaotic plot was shot.
Where Was A Family Affair Filmed?
While ‘A Family Affair’ is set in the glitzy, star-studded world of Los Angeles, most of the filming took place in Atlanta, Georgia. The crew meticulously scouted locations in Atlanta that could stand in for Hollywood, with post-production edits enhancing the illusion. Principal photography commenced in early August and concluded by early October 2022, with additional photography conducted in Los Angeles by a second unit without the participation of cast members, costume designers, or hair and makeup artists. The versatile filming sites in Atlanta and the required iconic spots in Los Angeles seamlessly created a cohesive visual narrative while helping ‘A Family Affair’ stick to its budget and rapid production.
Atlanta, Georgia
The Atlanta metropolitan area in the southeast served as the primary filming location for ‘A Family Affair.’ Thriving on its reputation as the “Hollywood of the South,” the capital city of Georgia was thoroughly scouted by the makers to select from its varied landscapes. With a smooth balance between oceanic and urban settings, Atlanta provided the perfect backdrop to double up as the sprawling Southern Californian city of Los Angeles. Many scenes were filmed on constructed sets within the city, designed to replicate the film’s interiors, as well as the exteriors of some of the most iconic locations on the West Coast.
One notable location used extensively was The Biltmore Ballrooms building at 817 West Peachtree Street Northwest #208. The production team prominently used this historic site for key scenes, including a nighttime date between Chris and Brooke and a crucial scene where Leila drops off Zara, both of which were filmed in the building’s parking lot. Moreover, the beaches in Georgia were also explored to capture the romantic essence of the lead couple’s relationship.
The production also utilized various parts of downtown Atlanta and its surrounding neighborhoods. Filming in Sharpsburg, a small town within the Atlanta metropolitan area, achieved the suburban feel required for certain sequences. These locations offered the chick flick the perfect suburban charm needed for scenes depicting Zara’s cozy life outside her chaotic work environment and her relationship with her mother.
Los Angeles, California
Complementing the main shoot in Atlanta, additional photography took place in Los Angeles to reinforce the movie’s Hollywood setting, particularly emphasizing Zac Efron’s character as a movie star. Although Atlanta served as the primary location for the cast and crew, establishing shots, selected scenes, and B-roll material were filmed in the Californian city on a different schedule. Exterior shots of Beverly Hills, including a scene where Chris takes Zara for a ride, were captured to showcase the quintessential Hollywood lifestyle.
The Biltmore Los Angeles, located at 506 South Grand Avenue, was also utilized. As a sister hotel to The Biltmore Atlanta, it was filmed to represent the iconic entrance of the building leading up to the interior and parking area of the Atlanta location. This clever use of similar architectural styles helped maintain continuity between the two cities. El Matador State Beach, a popular filming spot in Malibu, was also used for beach scenes that did not require close-ups of the main cast. This scenic beach connected seamlessly with beach house sequences shot in Atlanta, adding to the movie’s coastal allure.
Location scouts Alexander Kivlen and Thomas J. Healy IV were brought on board to oversee the schedule and locate the resembling spots that could remind of Georgia with minimum photography tricks. Incidentally, the Anne Hathaway starter rom-com ‘The Idea of You‘ also utilized these exact tricks, shifting the major portion of the film to Atlanta, Georgia, despite the script demanding Los Angeles.
Read More: Best Family Movies on Peacock
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