Directed by Vatsal Neelakantan, Netflix’s ‘Friday Night Plan’ is an Indian coming-of-age comedy movie that revolves around Sid and Adi, two teenage brothers navigating high school life. After the former wins a crucial football match for his school, he suddenly becomes popular and is invited to a Friday night house party thrown by his classmates. Eager to hang out with the cool seniors, Adi decides to tag along with Sid, but what starts as a fun night soon takes a messy turn when things go out of control.
Featuring stellar performances from actors like Babil Khan, Amrith Jayan, Ninad Kamat, and Juhi Chawla, the movie delves into the adventurous age of adolescence, capturing both the joys and confusion it brings along. Through the adventures of Sid and Adi, it authentically explores themes such as peer pressure, the bonds between siblings, and the true meaning of growing up. Naturally, the realistic characters and the relatable situation they find themselves in remind the audience of their own teenage days. Moreover, it begs the question — is ‘Friday Night Plan’ rooted in reality?
Friday Night Plan Takes Inspiration from Real-Life Elements
No, ‘Friday Night Plan’ is not based on a true story. Adapted from an original script penned by Vatsal Neelakantan and Sapan Verma, it is reportedly their tribute to cult coming-of-age movies like ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,’ ‘Project X‘ and ‘Superbad.’ Although the film is fictional, the writers likely drew inspiration from their own teenage years and their observations of modern-day Indian high schoolers. In fact, Neelakantan shared in an interview with Filmfare that it is a very personal project for him, as it reflects his early years.
The filmmaker revealed, “The story is very much based on the experiences I’ve had and the kind of people I’ve met. My family, friends, and my school life were the issues I faced growing up. There’s a lot of honesty that the script was built on. That’s the first thing I spoke to the cast about. I wrote a lot of backstories and bios, so I shared all that with them and heard their thoughts on it. It was important for me to take their feedback if there was anything old or outdated. I hope that has given a sense of authenticity to the film.”
Furthermore, Neelakantan stated that though the movie is not a replica of his life, the equation between the protagonists, Sid and Adi, is quite reminiscent of his own relationship with his brother. “My father passed away when I was very young. I have a brother, and our mother brought us up. So while it isn’t autobiographical, the emotional truth is there, and the whole arc of the brothers having to deal with the responsibility and the love they have for their mother comes from the dynamics between us.”
Not just that, Babil Khan, who essays Sid in the movie, stated in another interview with Vogue India that portraying his character was easy for him. He commented, “Having a younger brother in real life, this film feels so relatable to me. It’s a heartwarming journey that brings back fond memories of our own misadventures.” Coming to the movies it draws inspiration from, ‘Friday Night Plan’ bears a lot of resemblance to Nima Nourizadeh’s 2012 movie ‘Project X,’ which also involves high-school seniors whose plan to throw the most epic party for their classmates gets wilder as the night progresses.
In addition, the trope of teenagers getting in trouble with an authority figure outside school has been explored masterfully in many movies, such as the 1986 movie ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.’ Just like Sid and Adi cross paths with a cop, in the John Hughes directorial, a high schooler fakes sickness to spend time with his best friend, but falls into a mess when his dean decides to spy on him. To sum up, ‘Friday Night Plan’ is a work of fiction, but it draws from the real-life experiences of today’s teenagers and the director’s own life to create an authentic coming-of-age tale.
Read More: Best Coming of Age Hindi Movies
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