Savannah Miller: Where is The Circle Star Now?

If there’s only one word we can use to describe Netflix’s ‘The Circleseason 7 star Savannah Miller, it has to be bubbly, considering her attitude despite all the challenges she has faced. She may admittedly be a klutz and a little boy crazy, but she’s also someone who knows the meaning of life as well as how important it is to embrace every opportunity that comes one’s way. That’s how she ended up participating in this aforementioned social experiment reality series at age 22, all in the hopes of walking away with not just $100,000 but also a new perspective.

Savannah’s Stint in the Show Was Unfortunately Short

Despite the fact Texarkana, Texas native Savannah’s game plan to be completely herself and overshare as proof that she is truly real was quite brilliant, she was the first to be eliminated. However, that wasn’t because of any direct error she made, popularity issues, or suspicious behaviors and quiz answers; it was because she relied on the wrong person to have her back. It seemed like she was honestly completely enamored with Californian youngster Kevin Fernandez from the moment she saw his profile on her game screen, so she did begin a flirtationship with him.

Within a single conversation, Kevin actually became the stepdad of Savannah’s beloved emotional support dog, Samson Elordi Miller, making it appear as if they were locked in together for good. Nevertheless, when push came to shove, the former invited Gianna (Aka JoJo and Nicky Scarlotta) as well as Darian Holt to a party before saving Andy (Heather Richardson) as an influencer. It was more important for him to not only cast his web of alliances wide but also save his “bros” instead of his “circle bae,” resulting in the then-college student having to pack up and leave.

Savannah Got a Second Life in 2021

It was while Savannah was attending Texas Tech University – College of Media & Communication in Lubbock that she got into such a terrible car crash she needed to be rushed to the hospital. Yet little did she know this would actually be a blessing in disguise as the doctors would find a mass on her brain while treating her for her other injuries — it turns out she had a tumor. She was subsequently able to undergo an operation to remove all of the mass as well as the pineal gland it was taking over — they were replaced with a titanium plate — enabling her to still lead a full, independent life.

“Some people ask me why i’m constantly smiling, laughing, not caring what other people think (95% of the time embarrassing myself), living life to the fullest, and aiming for impossible dreams,” Savannah candidly penned in July this year to celebrate three years of her new life. “That’s because I’ve learned that life is MUCH more valuable than our brains can comprehend and God has a unique purpose for each of us… It seems like a lifetime ago I was in a constant state of brain fog, confusion, chronic pain, and feeling trapped inside of my own brain. I genuinely thought I was going crazy and the pain and confusion seemed endless. But today, I celebrate the day that brought light back into my world.”

Savannah is a Woman of Many Hats

Having learned from her pain and now wholeheartedly trusting in her God, Savannah has been leading a happy life of ambition, genuineness, and hope for the last few years, propelling her to success. In fact, this college graduate is not only a professional model associated with BSX Media but is also a full-fledged entrepreneur realizing her lifelong dream of combining business with shopping. She is actually the brains behind a marketplace brand called Savage Sellers that will help the young community purchase their desired items with the best possible deals, which she plans on officially launching on September 24, 2024.

However, it was back in April, less than four months after Savannah had relocated to Miami, Florida, for good for her career, that she had announced this dream company/passion project of hers. She said, in part, “I’ve been girl bossing in secret.🤫 Growing up I’ve always had a deep-rooted passion for entrepreneurship and also shopping. This led me to fuse the two into what is now the marketplace Savage Seller… My vision was to create a community where individuals from all walks of life could connect not just to save and earn money, but to establish connections.”

It turns out Savannah’s own experiences of having trouble keeping up with her spending habits during college had helped her figure out precisely what business was needed in the market. She then added, “Our brand revolves around selling confidence and underlining the belief that one’s worth should not be dictated by a price tag. Whether you have one dollar or a million dollars, the emphasis lies in working and shopping smarter, not harder.” Savage Seller was initially supposed to launch in May, but it was postponed right until September due to unforeseen circumstances.

Savannah Hails From a Blended Family

Although Savannah now comes across as an entirely bubbly, extroverted young woman without a care in this world, there was once a time she felt like she didn’t fit in owing to constant criticism. According to her own accounts, she seriously struggled a lot while growing up, especially owing to an allegedly abusive stepfather, who is fortunately no longer in her life, as well as school bullies. Nevertheless, she was able to survive thanks to her unwaveringly supportive mother, Tirsa Miller, only to now thrive with her continued love and care as well as that of her stepfather of four years, Jacob Green, plus all her stepsiblings.

Read More: Jadejha Edwards: Where is The Circle Star Now?