As a reality series revolving around the exes, girlfriends, fiancées, and wives of renowned athletes as well as hip-hop artists as they call the shots, Netflix’s ‘W.A.G.s to Riches‘ lives up to its title. However, considering the fact all cast members are quite successful in their own right and, thus, have big egos of their own, there is also a lot of chaos and drama every step of the way. Right in the middle of it all was actually ‘Selling Tampa’ alum Sharelle Rosado, as well as a social media personality, event producer, and former Yeezy employee Julieanna “Julz” Marie Goddard.
Sharelle and Julz Clashed Over a Rather Personal Matter
While Julz was initially welcomed into the W.A.G group of Southern Florida with open arms as the once-fiancée and baby mama of linebacker Duke Riley, things drastically changed over time. That’s because rumors about her being a “culture vulture” or unwittingly racist soon began swirling around, especially since she was often the only white woman in a group of Black individuals. She was given a lot of grace by her fellow W.A.G.s at first, per the aforementioned show, yet things took a turn for the worse when she got into a physical brawl at a known Black establishment.
The truth is Julz’s fellow cast members weren’t necessarily mad at her for the fight in itself once they learned it stemmed from her being ambushed about the rumors, but they were disappointed. However, their disappointment over her reacting in such an intense manner soon changed to anger when she refused to take responsibility and instead blamed Sharelle for even inviting her out. She stated she had just had an abortion since her ex-fiancé turned situationship partner Duke didn’t want another child, yet she still came out to dinner because the broker had invited her.
According to Julz’s accounts, she had told Sharelle what had transpired, and the latter still brought up the topic of kids on their table before going as far as to ask her if she wanted more one day. This left her emotionally exhausted as well as shocked, she said, so when she was ambushed by the rumors questioning her character mere moments later, she reacted without even thinking. While a small part of others did understand where she was coming from, the fact she didn’t even apologize for losing control and then continued arguing with them too made them see her in a different light.
Sharelle and Julz No Longer Seem to be in Touch
Since Sharelle did concede she had forgotten about their conversation on the fateful night before seemingly apologizing for causing hurt, she faced no consequences for everything that went down. On the other hand, Julz essentially lost her friendship with the majority of the group – the only two individuals she seemed close to by the end were Keeta Hill and longtime friend Sadé Vanessa. From what we can tell, her standing hasn’t really changed since then, especially not with Sharelle, as the duo doesn’t even follow one another on social media anymore, let alone have real-life contact.
Since then, it actually appears as if Sharelle and Julz have primarily just been focusing on their own experiences, particularly since they both do seem to have a lot going on as of writing. The former, a mother of four, is actually single after a long time upon ending her engagement with Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson owing to their communication issues as well as his alleged infidelity. Therefore, she simply seems to be prioritizing her career at the moment by expanding her wings from a real estate broker to a real estate developer, a podcast host, as well as a Fashion Nova Ambassador. As for Julz, the mother of one is really doubling down on her career as a public figure plus founder-CEO of her own brands so as to really provide for her little girl, River Riley. She is the brains behind YesJulz! Agency, 1 AM Ent, Little Rascals Foundation, and Yes Juice.
Read More: Sharelle and Stoni: Are the WAGs to Riches Stars Friends?
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